
SP development spokesman takes part in solidarity fast

1 March 2007

SP development spokesman takes part in solidarity fast

SP Member of Parliament Ewout Irrgang, the party’s spokesman on development policy, is today participating in a fast to draw attention to the huge numbers of the world’s children who must go to bed at night with empty bellies. The action, “Zip your Lip: 24 hours of hunger, your day, their lives” will mean that the MP, along with Joel Voordewind of the Christian Union, will go the whole day without food – although he is allowed water.

Ewout IrrgangThe action is aimed at drawing attention to the plight of the millions of children who daily suffer from hunger. Annually, a million children die from Aids, and many more ose their parents from the same disease. In Africa alone twelve million children have no-one to care for them. They are hungry and alone!

Irrgang’s action will be sponsored by, among others, his twenty-four SP colleagues.

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