
Kox pleased with Council of Europe decision to launch investigation into secret prisons

28 November 2005

Kox pleased with Council of Europe decision to launch investigation into secret prisons

SP Senator Tiny Kox is pleased with the decision of the Council of Europe to launch an investigation into accusations that the United States is using secret detention centres in Europe to hold prisoners of the so-called 'war on terrorism' The Standing Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has asked Dick Marty, the Swiss Chairman of its Committee for Legal Affairs and Human Rights, to take charge of the enquiry.

Senator Kox, SP member of the Parliamentary Assembly, fully supports the Standing Committee's view that breaches of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) can in no case be tolerated. The Standing Committee stated in a declaration issued at the end of last week that violations of the European Convention on Human Rights, the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and of other basic human rights norms cannot be permitted. The Standing Committee stated in a declaration issued at the end of last week that “even in the name of the 'war on terror', illegal and inhuman practices in relation to the arrest, transportation and detention of persons, even if they are suspected of terrorism, cannot and will not be tolerated in any member or observer country of the Council of Europe.”

The United States has the “observer status” mentioned here. PACE has previously expressed its grave concern over events at the American prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. In April the Assembly declared that “the government of the United States has betrayed its own highest principles ... breaking international law, particularly as it relates to human rights and humanitarian law.”

The Dutch Parliament has also expressed serious concern over the secret detention centres as well as the CIA flights by which prisoners are transported to and from these centres, allegedly via Schiphol airport, Amsterdam. SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel recently put a question on the party's behalf to Foreign Minister Ben Bot, asking him for clarification of the situation and the government's view of it. Mr Bot announced last week that the American government would be requested to supply a speedy and complete explanation. If this request were not complied with, there might be consequences for the presence of Dutch troops in Afghanistan, where they are currently participating in both the NATO-led ISAF mission and the US-controlled operation Enduring Freedom.

Senator Kox will be putting the issue on the agenda of the Dutch Senate next week when the annual 'State of the Union' debate will be held.

Foreign Minister must investigate US human rights abuses (November 8th, 2005)
Van Bommel demands enquiry into network of secret prisons (November 3rd, 2005)

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