
European Asbestos Conference: Policy, Status & Human Rights, Brussels, Thursday 22 and Friday 23 September, 2005

16 September 2005

European Asbestos Conference: Policy, Status & Human Rights, Brussels, Thursday 22 and Friday 23 September, 2005

The GUE/NGL European Parliamentary Group is hosting the European Asbestos Conference: Policy, Status & Human Rights on Thursday 22 and Friday 23 September, 2005, at the European Parliament - Brussels, Room ASP 1 G3.

Anyone wishing to attend the conference will require a badge to enter the Parliament buildings. Please contact Vivienne Gadeyne by telephone (+ or email vgadeyne@europarl.eu.int to confirm your attendance and ensure your access to the conference.


Thursday, 22 September, 2005

9:30 Welcome: MEP Francis Wurtz, President of the GUE/NGL Group
9:45 Opening Comments: Session Chairs: MEP Kartika Liotard GUE/NGL and Xavier Jonckheere, President ABEVA
10:00 EU Asbestos Policy: Working Conditions and Benefits: Vladimir Spidla, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunity
10:20 Panel Discussion - Occupational Asbestos Exposure:
Malta: Saviour Sammut
Bulgaria: Svetla Karova
Portugal: Armando Farias
Spain: Angel Carcoba
10:50 EU Asbestos Policy: The Environment: Stavros Dimas, European Commissioner for the Environment
11:10 Panel Discussion- Environmental Asbestos Exposures
Cyprus: MP George Perdikes
UK:Jason Addy
Poland: Dr. Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska
Ukraine: Dmytro Skrylnikov
Italy: Fulvio Aurora
Turkey: Dr. Salih Emri
11:40 Political Panel - MEPs Debate:
Italy: Vittorio Agnoletti
Cyprus: Adamou Adamos
Greece: Dimitris Papadimoulis
Czech Republic: Jiri Mastalka
Ireland: Bairbre de Brún
12:15 Plenary Debate: Chair
12:45 Conclusion: Chair

15:00 Opening Comments: Chair
15:10 The Human Dimension of Asbestos Disease:
France: Nicole Voide
Belgium: Xavier Jonckheere
Victims' Initiatives: UK: John Flanagan
Mesothelioma Research: UK: Astero Klabatsa

Avoiding More Needless Deaths

15:40 Case Study: EU Asbestos Derogation for Chlorine Production: Ms. Fernanda Giannasi, Factory Inspector, Brazil
16:00 Regulatory Framework for Chemicals: Registration, Evaluation
and Authorisation of Chemicals (REACH): MEP Guido Sacconi
16:20 Asbestos Alternatives: Construction Materials and Friction Products: Dr. Barry Castleman
16:40 The Transfer of Hazardous Technology to the Developing World: Dr. Annie Thebaud-Mony
17:00 Global Campaign to Ban Asbestos:
Belgian Senator Alain Destexhe
Italian Senator Antonio Pizzinato
17:30 Plenary Debate: Chair
18:20 Conclusion: Chair
18:30 Session Ends

Friday, 23 September, 2005

9:30 Opening Comments: Chairs: MEP Roberto Musacchio and MEP Adamou Adamos

Defining the Scope of Europe’s Asbestos Problem

9:45 Medical Aspects of Asbestos: Examinations, Incidence and Recongition: Dr. Olaf Hagemeyer
10:00 Asbestos Cancer: the Financial Cost to the National Health System: Dr. Andrew Watterson
10:15 Under-Reporting of Asbestos Cancer in Denmark: Lars Vedsmand
10:30 Asbestos Disease in Greece? Dr. Panagiotis Behrakis
10:45 Medical Panel:
Slovenia: Dr. Metoda Dodic-Fikfak
Lithuania: Dr. Ruta P. Everatt
Czech Republic: Dr. Daniela Pelclova
India: Dr. Tushar Kant Joshi
11:20 Human Rights for Asbestos Disease Sufferers: Sally Moore
11:35 Corporate Accountability and Compensation: Eternit: A Case Study Bob Ruers
11:50 Plenary Debate: Chair
12:20 Conference Resolution: Laurent Vogel
12:50 Conclusion: MEP Kartika Liotard

15:00 Roundtable: Chairs: Fiona Murie and Angel Carcoba
15:15 Country Reports
Bulgaria: Svetla Karova
Cyprus: MP George Perdikes
Czech Republic: Dr. Daniela Pelclova
Lithuania: Ruta P. Everatt
Malta: Saviour Sammut
Netherlands: Tinka de Bruin
Poland: Dr. Neonila Szeszenia-Dabrowska
Portugal: Armando Farias
Ukraine: Dmytro Skrylnikov
16:45 Discussion: Chairs
17:45 Conclusion: Chairs
18:00 Session Ends

Participants: ABEVA-Belgium, ANDEVA and BAN Asbestos France-France CAOVA and Society for Asbestos Victims, Switzerland, Greenpeace-Cyprus, Professor P. Behrakis, Greece, Casale Monferrato Asbestos Victims’ Group and National Association of Italian Victims-Italy, CCOO-Spain, Dutch Asbestos Victims’ Committee-Holland SABS-Slovenia, Clydebank Asbestos, Clydeside Action on Asbestos-Scotland, Merseyside and District Asbestos Victim Support Group, Justice for Asbestos Victims of Northern Ireland, Asbestos Awareness Wales plus others.

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