Security Council must take action against US and the Netherlands
Security Council must take action against US and the Netherlands
Condoleezza Rice is demanding that the UN Security Council take action to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons. SP Member of Parliament Krista van Velzen has proposed that in that case it should at the same time move against the US and the Netherlands.
Condoleeza Rice this week made it clear that measures against Iran would soon be in place, prompted by that country’s nuclear activities. At the same time the Dutch daily newspaper Algemeen Dagblad revealed (10/2) that the secret treaties giving the US the right to station nuclear weapons on – among other places - Dutch soil, have been extended by twenty years and that this is no theoretical agreement: on the contrary, twenty powerful nuclear weapons are already stored on air force bases on the island of Volkel. Krista van Velzen, MO, defence specialist for the SP’s parliamentary group, said:
“Through its ongoing cooperation with the US nuclear weapons programme, the Netherlands is in breach of international treaties, including the UN’s Non-Proliferation Treaty. It is also once again painfully clear that the US is operating a double standard, because if Iran isn’t allowed to have nuclear weapons on its territory, then why should countries such as the US and the Netherlands be permitted them? The Security Council should therefore take immediate action against these countries as well.”