European Parliament United Left Group to organise hearing on Services Directive
European Parliament United Left Group to organise hearing on Services Directive
The United Left Group (GUE/NGL), the European Parliamentary political group to which the SP is affiliated, is organising a hearing on the Services Directive to take place on Friday 18th March. Group president Francis Wurtz (France) hopes to see as many people as possible at the hearing, and has issued invitations to activists from social organisations and trade unions.
Every party in the GUE/NGL is campaigning actively in its own country against the proposed measure. Together with the Green Left party and a range of social organisations the SP has been instrumental in the Netherlands in establishing the broad campaign “Stop de Dienstenrichtlijn” (Stop the Services Directive). The party has also been working inside the European Parliament, where, on 15th March, the party’s MEP will defend her critical report on the proposal before the Committee on the Environment and Public Health.
The 18th March hearing will take place at the European Parliament in Brussels. Anyone, whether an individual citizen or organisation, who would like to attend should write – English is fine – to
The hearing will be simultaneously translated into several languages – including English.
On the day following the hearing, Saturday 19 March, the international demonstration against the deirective will also take place in Brussels – so why not make a weekend of it? More information on the demonstration and the directive itself can be found at