1 May 2011
In actual fact I shouldn’t, according to the banking experts, be writing this weeklog at all: if I say things aren’t going well for Greece, I’ll add to the unrest on the financial markets, making myself partly responsible for the disaster which lies in wait, not only for Greece itself, but for countries such as the Netherlands and Germany. But I won’t let myself be blackmailed by speculators: as things stand things are going very badly in Greece and the chance that the Greeks will ever be able to pay off their debts in full is practically nil. That being the case, the chances are great that it will not be the speculators but, once again, the taxpayer who will have to foot the bill. The sole reason for this is mismanagement by European finance ministers who are stuck in their own wishful fantasies instead of looking the facts squarely in the face, and who, worse still, always allow themselves to be guided by the interests of the speculators.
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