
Nieuws van de afdeling

7 June 2023

No confidence in Rutte over Groningen earthquake tragedy

Foto: SP

For two years, a parliamentary inquiry committee investigated the Groningen earthquake tragedy. Yesterday and today, months after the committee's report was presented, the House of Representatives finally debated it with Rutte.

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3 June 2023

SP Congress adopts modernized programme of principles 'The Whole of Humanity’

Foto: SP

At the 27th SP congress today in Apeldoorn, the party updated its programme of principles 'The Whole of Humanity’.

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19 April 2023

At long last: a ban on advertising for the gambling industry

Foto: SP

As of 1 july, a blanket ban will be imposed on, among other things, gambling ads on television, radio and on the sponsorship of sports clubs and TV programmes. It took years of parliamentary questions, debates and proposals by the SP. Member of Parliament Michiel van Nispen led the way in advocating for the ban.

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17 March 2023

Iranian activist Masih Alinejad visits parliament at the invitation of the SP

Foto: SP

At the invitation of SP MP Jasper van Dijk and Yoeri Albrecht (director of Debate Centre de Balie), journalist and activist Masih Alinejad came to parliament today. Some time ago, the journalist was imprisoned by Iran for her activism and fight for women's rights. Recently, she has been campaigning for the movement 'Woman. Life. Freedom.'
In recent months, Iranians took to the streets in protests against the Teheran Islamic regime's oppression of women. In the protests, thousands were detained, tortured or killed. Yesterday, Amnesty investigations revealed that even minors were tortured by security forces.

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14 March 2023

Parliament backs SP: Provide tracking system for arms trade

Foto: SP

To prevent parts for weapons from ending up in the wrong hands, there needs to be a tracking system that enables these goods to be traced at all times. A proposal by the SP and D66 to look into such a system was adopted in the House of Representatives today.

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13 March 2023

Abolish the ‘health care own risk’

Foto: SP

The SP proposes a private member’s bill to remove the ‘health care own risk’ within health insurance. It means that people who have the misfortune to fall ill will no longer be punished for their illness. 
The ‘health care own risk’ is a penalty for being sick. If people need care they should be able to get care, even if the person has no money to pay the ‘health care own risk’. This penalty on being sick leads to people avoiding care. It is perverse and lacks solidarity. The SP wants to put an end to this once and for all.

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