
Nieuws van de afdeling

12 July 2023

Senate follows SP: cut child poverty in half

The Senate adopted a proposal by the SP to keep to the target of at least halving child poverty in the Netherlands by 2025. Actions should be taken to reduce child poverty as much as possible towards this target next year. The proposal was widely supported, only the PVV voted against it.

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8 July 2023

The government has fallen. We stand up for the Netherlands

The Rutte 4 government has resigned. This is good news for the Netherlands! This cabinet has created more problems than it has solved. It is time for a new, honest government that will deal with high costs, housing shortages and health care deficits. We are ready for new elections. And that is where we need you.

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6 July 2023

Statement of solidarity: The voice of the Iraqi student union will not be silenced

The Socialist Party and SP Jongeren strongly condemn the recent steps taken by the Iraqi government in an attempt to silence The General Union of Students in the Republic of Iraq.

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27 June 2023

Renske Leijten's farewell as SP MP

Foto: SP

SP MP Renske Leijten is leaving the House of Representatives, she told the Party Council of the SP. After almost 17 years in the Lower House, she feels it is enough. This certainly does not mean she has stopped being an SP member. She will just stop serving our democracy in the Lower House and in political The Hague. She is leaving the Hague bubble and will engage with our democracy in a different way. It is time to go back to the real life society and organise people there.

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22 June 2023

A call to action to save our hospitals 

Foto: SP

'Save our hospitals'. This was the slogan used this week by patients, health care providers and local residents in the Lower House. Campaigners from Zutphen handed over a book to the MPs and Minister Kuipers, containing their heartfelt cries and stories about what the hospital nearby means to them. SP party chair Marijnissen led the action. Today the Lower House is debating hospital care and the public gallery will be crowded.

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19 June 2023

SP youth launches mbo-manifesto

Foto: SP

At regional training centre ROC Twente, SP Jongeren (young SP members) launched a manifesto titled "We deserve it” for students at mbo (senior secondary vocational education) centres. The manifesto calls for more appreciation for mbo students. Mbo students, former students, parents and everyone who thinks mbo students should get the appreciation they deserve are called upon by SP Jongeren to sign the manifesto. This summer, SP Jongeren will be rallying support throughout the country.

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