
Nieuws van de afdeling

16 March 2006

Van Velzen hands over 100,000 appeals to Canadians to end slaughter of seals

SP Member of Parliament and Environment spokeswoman Krista van Velzen yesterday went to the Canadian embassy to present a petition containing 100,000 signatures calling for an end to the hunting of seals,. The signatures were collected by the seal crèche in Pieterburen and the anti-fur organisation “Bont voor Dieren” (Fur is for animals). A group of activists from both organisations gathered in front of the embassy in order to voice their opinion loud and clear, an opinion shared by the vast majority of the Dutch population: the hunting of seals must stop.

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15 March 2006

Van Velzen: Netherlands should take responsibility for costs of Halabja medical project

The SP has asked Minister for Development Cooperation Agnes van Ardenne to take over the financing of a medical project for Kurdish poison gas victims from the small town of Halabja. An initiative of the regional administration, the University of Liverpool and several aid organisations, the project is threatened with closure through lack of funds. Commenting on the situation, SP Member of Parliament Krista van Velzen said “The Netherlands has a special responsibility in relation to these poison gas victims, as the ingredients for the gas came from a Dutch source. With a fairly modest contribution we could keep the project going and demonstrate our commitment.”

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15 March 2006

Europe puts Balkans on back burner

After the initial euphoria surrounding the accession of ten new member states in 2004, the European Union is now drawing back from plans for further enlargement. "Romania and Bulgaria could well be the last new member states for a long time,” says SP Euro-MP Erik Meijer.

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13 March 2006

Environment Secretary follows SP advice: Asbestos reporting facility opened

Secretary of State for the Environment Pieter van Geel has promised that during the spring a central reporting point for asbestos will be opened, as recommended by the SP, which has been actively involved in asbestos-related issues since the beginning of the 1970s and has long experience of the problems involved when it comes to communication of its presence and dangers.

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12 March 2006

Demonstration: Break with Bush - No more deaths

Political discussions over the Netherlands' military missions in Afghanistan en Iraq have systematically avoided any reference to the fact that war means death, mutilation and the destruction of people's homes. In most of the media some space has been given to the 3,000 western soldiers who have lost their lives, to murdered westerners and to the abuses in Abu Graib and Guantánamo Bay. But of the many tens of thousands of dead from the Iraqi or Afghan side (very often ordinary, unarmed citizens), we rarely hear anything. On 18th March in Amsterdam there will be a demonstration calling for the Netherlands to break with the policies of the present United States administration.

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10 March 2006

EU Services Directive: Irrgang calls for new recommendation from Council of State

SP Member of Parliament Ewout Irrgang intervened in a debate with Minister of Economic Affairs Laurens-Jan Brinkhorst to issue a call for a new recommendation on the EU Directive on Services, recently adapted by the European Parliament. This was necessary, he said, because great uncertainty existed with regard to the current proposal.

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