
Nieuws van de afdeling

2 March 2006

Europe happy hunting ground for spies

Europe is a happy hunting ground for foreign espionage services, and the existing rules in European countries make it difficult to combat their activities. It is difficult to discern whether European airspace and European airports are being used for the illegal transport of prisoners. So argues Terry Davis, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, in a report published today.

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1 March 2006

Van Bommel: Look before you leap to open borders

The country's leading trade union grouping 'FNV Bondgenoten' has joined the SP in expressing concern over the likely consequences of the ending of restrictions on the entry of workers from the new EU member states. Borders will be fully opened from 1st May, and SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel has welcomed the fact that criticism of the move is spreading. “Employers are exploiting people from the new EU countries,” he said. “This will lead to displacement and deprive young people who leave school with craft qualifications of any prospect of work.”

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27 February 2006

Pressure on US over prisoners’ rights has not produced results

Harry van Bommel has asked Foreign Minister Ben Bot just what has been done about last year's promise to bring pressure to bear on the United States to treat prisoners in Afghanistan humanely. Mr Van Bommel is concerned by a report in the New York Times to the effect that the Americans are maintaining a secret prison at Bagram airbase, 40 kms to the north of the Afghan capital Kabul. As many as five hundred prisoners are being held under conditions which can scarcely be described as humanitarian and without any legal basis for their imprisonment.

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17 February 2006

Labour Party blocks Parliament's resistance to EU interference in criminal law

The PvdA (Labour Party) is supporting the government in its decision to permit more EU influence on Dutch criminal law. The social democrats refused to back an SP motion to put pressure on the cabinet to resist such interference, despite the fact that the resolution was supported by the parliamentary groups of the VVD (right wing market liberals) and D66 (centrist liberals), two members of the three-party governing coalition. "This is just the same as supporting the European Constitution, which was rejected by the Dutch people on 1st June,” declared SP member of Parliament Jan de Wit, who presented the motion.

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16 February 2006

‘Christian Democrats and Labour Party have doubts over open borders’

The Christian Democrats of the CDA, and the PvdA (Labour Party), who together form a majority in the lower house of the Dutch Parliament, are beginning to have doubts about the further opening of borders to workers from eastern Europe. Describing the change of heart as "superfluous", SP Member of Parliament Jan De Wit pointed out that "the report commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs from research bureau Ecorys should settle the matter."

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16 February 2006

SP calls for emergency fund for West African cotton farmers

During today’s debate on the outcome and likely results of the WTO’s Doha Round, SP Member of Parliament Ewout Irrgang called for the establishment of an emergency fund to compensate West African farmers for the fall in the price of cotton.

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