
Nieuws van de afdeling

9 February 2006

SP rejects cosmetic compromise on Services Directive

The compromise between the Christian Democrats and Social Democrats in the European Parliament on the Services Directive is cosmetic, making little real difference to the actual contents of the measure. The core of the directive remains intact: competition on the policy level between member states and the setting in motion of a downward spiral ending at the lowest common denominator of current European standards. SP Euro-MP Kartika Liotard: “Of course we will vote for every little softening amendment, but even then in the end rejection of the whole directive will be the best decision.”

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9 February 2006

Van Bommel wants to know what happens to the billions paid to the EU

SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel is demanding to know – and sooner rather than later – how Dutch taxpayers' money handed over to the EU is spent. He proposes the creation of a publicly-available list of individuals, organisations and companies in receipt of moneys from Brussels – something which already exists in other member states. His call comes on the day on which a damning report on the lack of transparency in relation to European finances is published by the 'Algemene Rekenkamer', the Netherlands' official General Accounts Office.

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8 February 2006

Research confirms SP view: Further opening of borders would lead to increased unemployment

Further opening of borders for workers from the new EU member states will lead to an increase in unemployment within the Netherlands, especially amongst unskilled and semi-skilled employees. This is the disturbing conclusion of an enquiry conducted on behalf of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment whose findings have been leaked. SP Member of Parliament Jan de Wit, commenting on the report, said: “Here we see confirmed what the SP already, through our own investigations, knew: opening of borders has not been given proper thought. The problems have been deliberately concealed, because more pressure on the labour market is seen as desirable in order to force down wages and undermine social security.”

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8 February 2006

WTO tries to force GM food down our throats

SP Member of Parliament Krista van Velzen has described as “idiotic” the World Trade Organisation's attempt to prevent the exclusion from the European Union of certain genetically modified organisms and foods containing or manufactured from them. “Countries in Europe must be able to decide for themselves whether they want to allow products whose effects on public health and the environment are unclear,” she said.

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8 February 2006

Van Bommel demands effective protection for Dutch soldiers in Uruzgan

Despite the promises made by armed forces commanding officer Dick Berlijn that soldiers in Afghanistan would enjoy the highest level of security possible, they will not in fact be housed in armoured barracks. Armoured cabins will be used on the base in Uruzgan for the command centre, the dining hall and the infirmary, but not for the rooms in which Dutch soldiers will sleep.

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6 February 2006

Increase in flow of workers from central and eastern Europe is disrupting labour market

The growing numbers of people from central and eastern European countries seeking employment in the Netherlands is leading to serious disruption of the labour market, exploitation and the forcing from the market of ever more Dutch workers, small employers, and self-employed people, according to a survey conducted by the SP. Yet the government is planning to make borders still more open in the near future. According to SP Member of Parliament Jan de Wit this will lead to even greater problems, including for the tens of thousands of young people currently being trained for work in the building industry and transport sector. Measures must be taken to put an end to exploitation and unfair competition.

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