
Nieuws van de afdeling

4 July 2008

Stop the censoring of Chinese broadcaster

'The European Commission must use its influence to ensure that the Chinese public can watch NTDTV broadcasts directly and uncensored', says SP Euro-MP Erik Meijer.

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4 July 2008

SP proposal for better accounting of EU funds adopted by national parliament

The government must do all in its power to ensure that in the future EU member states are not obliged to transfer money to the European Union until a reliable accounting system is in place. That is the core of the motion from SP Member of Parliament Fons Luijben, adopted by Parliament on Thursday.

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2 July 2008

Claiming in Brussels

Members of the European Parliament were brought into discredit in a programme broadcast recently on German TV. The short documentary film dealing with the behaviour of Euro-MPs when it comes to their expenses is now circulating via the Internet. SP Euro-MP Erik Meijer comments.

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2 July 2008

SP: Treatment Abroad Must Remain the Exception

The European Commission today presented its proposal on transfrontier patient mobility. The core of the proposal is that citizens of a member state must have the right to health care in another member state and to be compensated financially to whatever degree would be available to them in their home country. The SP supports more rights for patients but is opposed to European attempts to 'liberalise' national health systems.

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30 June 2008

Border restrictions may remain in place for Romanians and Bulgarians

The SP's arguments against the complete opening of the Netherlands' borders to workers from central and eastern Europe are finding increasing resonance, as the existence of a parliamentary majority opposed to such a move shows. The government wants to see all border restrictions removed by 1st January 2009. The SP is arguing instead for a system of work permits, by means of which, the party's parliamentary spokesman on labour issues Paul Ulenbelt says, “we can avoid the importing of other country's unemployment and the creation of unfair competition on the Dutch labour market."

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27 June 2008

SP development spokesman addresses Somalian demonstration

SP Member of Parliament and spokesman on development issues Ewout Irrgang spoke on Friday at a demonstration by the Somalian community in the Netherlands. The demonstrators, gathered in front of the national parliament in The Hague, were calling attention to the tragic humanitarian situation in their country of origin.

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