
Nieuws van de afdeling

5 August 2008

EU stands in way of improvements to Dutch rail system

The European Commission is hindering any possibility that Dutch trains will soon be able to travel more quickly. The adaptation of the 'ATB' security system, which would make this possible, simply isn't acceptable, in the European Commission's view. The Dutch ATB system isn't up to scratch and must be replaced by a European system, ERTMS. In the SP's opinion, however, this EU-approved system is expensive, doesn't work very well, and won't come on stream until 2020.

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3 August 2008

SP demands official enquiry into costs of Afghan mission

The General Accountancy Office of the Netherlands ("Algemene Rekenkamer" - ARK) must conduct an enquiry into the total costs of the Dutch military mission in Afghanistan, according to SP Member of Parliament and foreign affairs spokesman Harry van Bommel. Van Bommel's demand was prompted by recent reports that the mission may have been as much as four times more expensive than foreseen in August 2006, when the first Dutch soldiers arrived on Afghan soil. He will present an official request to this effect to the president of the ARK on on Monday.

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1 August 2008

America is bankrupt

Faith in market-think was based on three promises: the free market would bring prosperity for everyone; it would, through international trade, drive out war; and government spending would fall. America has broken all three of these promises. The United States has seen years and years of economic growth, but the underclass has grown as never before. Neoliberal globalisation has not led to peace and the US is one of the world's most warlike countries. Meanwhile, the financial policies of the government have bankrupted the country.

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1 August 2008

Record profits for oil companies: SP urges levy on gas and oil extraction

The SP is urging the introduction of a new levy on extraction of oil and gas in the Netherlands and in Dutch waters, from which oil companies earn billions each year. At the same time the SP wants to see car-owners benefit directly via a lowering of road tax.

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31 July 2008

Extra food aid for Horn of Africa follows SP intervention

SP Member of Parliament Ewout Irrgang says he is "very pleased" by the decision of Development Cooperation Minister Bert Koenders to grant an additional €9 million in emergency aid to Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea. The SP development spokesman last week asked the minister to consider increasing the aid as a response to threatened famine.

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31 July 2008

Alleged bribery surrounding purchase of crown prince's house in Mozambique: SP demands explanation

SP Member of Parliament Ewout Irrgang has for the second time this month asked Development Cooperation Minister Bert Koenders for clarification of circumstances surrounding the building of a holiday home in Mozambique for crown prince Willem-Alexander. His concern was provoked by reports in the weekly news sheet HP/De Tijd on alleged bribery surrounding a project with which the crown prince is associated.

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