
Nieuws van de afdeling

27 June 2008

For democracy and human rights, Europe is still "a long way off the mark"

Major concerns this week marked the meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in Strasbourg. Europe remains a long way off the mark when it comes to democracy, human rights or the rule of law. Yet governments seem to be more bothered about economic growth and their own power, said SP Senator Tiny Kox, Chair of the United European Left group (GUE) in Europe's oldest organisation for international cooperation.

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26 June 2008

What's this on our plates?

New foodstuffs are constantly appearing on the market. Exotic foods that in our part of the world are just being 'discovered', but also foodstuffs which have been artificially manufactured. An interview on food and drink with Kartika Liotard in her office at the European Parliament building in Brussels.

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24 June 2008

The person and the embryo

For a number of weeks a heated debate has been raging between supporters and opponents of embryo selection by women who wish to become pregnant but who fear transmitting breast cancer genes to their offspring. This is no simple matter.

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24 June 2008

SP Senators set Premier stiff homework: 105 questions on the Lisbon Treaty

The cabinet of Minister-President Jan Peter Balkenende hopes to organise a Dutch 'yes' to the Lisbon Treaty as speedily as possible. In Parliament's lower house on 18th June the government successfully pulled this off, but in the Senate not every political group is willing to see a repeat performance. The SP, for one, is refusing to rush into a decision. In the end, while the lower house is the main legislative chamber of the Dutch national parliament, the Senate is there to exercise surveillance over the quality of the legislation proposed.

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22 June 2008

SP ‘old-fashioned’ or ‘conservative’? Absolutely not!

The SP against Europe and globalisation? Certainly not. What the SP is against is an undemocratic Europe and neoliberal market ideology, says Jan Marijnissen.

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20 June 2008

New SP Parliamentary Group Leader Agnes Kant Promises Strong Opposition

The government and the other parties in the national parliament can except the SP, under the leadership of Agnes Kant, to mount as strong an opposition as it did under Jan Marijnissen, the new leader said today.

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