
Nieuws van de afdeling

28 October 2013

Stop the export of carcinogenic asphalt

SP Member of Parliament Henk van Gerven is urging Wilma Mansveld, Secretary of State for Environment and Infrastructure, to put an end to the dumping of carcinogenic asphalt in foreign countries. The approach towards the problem of undesirable exports of the tar-based asphalt which provokes cancer remains ‘much too weak,’ says Van Gerven. About half of the total production of this asphalt, a total of more than 660,000 tons in 2012, is sold abroad. According to Dutch regulations, asphalt containing tar must be thermally treated by a recognised processor. In this process, the substances containing the tar are broken down under heat. ‘Many local authorities find a balanced budget more important than public health and the environment,’ alleges Van Gerven.

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28 October 2013

De Jong: Dutch Euro-MPs should open their accounts to the public

The European Parliament today voted on the EU budget for 2014. Also voted on was an amendment from the SP enforcing openness from MEPs in regard to their spending. This proposal was rejected.

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22 October 2013

De Jong: European Parliament should not interfere in abortion issue

Today the European Parliament will vote on a report calling on the member states to guarantee the sexual and reproductive rights of women. The SP will vote against it. SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong explains: ‘Of course the SP also views it as important that these rights are well regulated. We have, however, always been assured that the EU was not going to get involved in matters such as abortion, because they have no competence in this area. In my own report on criminal law, adopted by the EP eighteen months ago, I argue in favour of a cautious approach. Only when there are clearly cross-border offences at issue can there be any reason for European legislation. Abortion is pre-eminently a subject which the member states themselves must regulate and the European Parliament should not be involved.’

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21 October 2013

SP asks for government’s cooperation in visit of Snowden

SP Member of Parliament Ronald van Raak wants to invite whistle-blowser Edward Snowden to a hearing in the Dutch national parliament in The Hague. He is therefore asking the government to give its assurance that Snowden would not be extradited to the United States. At the same time he is asking the government to do all its power to ensure Snowden’s safety during his visit.

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21 October 2013

SP asks for government’s cooperation in visit of Snowden

SP Member of Parliament Ronald van Raak wants to invite whistle-blowser Edward Snowden to a hearing in the Dutch national parliament in The Hague. He is therefore asking the government to give its assurance that Snowden would not be extradited to the United States. At the same time he is asking the government to do all its power to ensure Snowden’s safety during his visit.

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19 October 2013

Dutch mission in Mali is full of risks

A Dutch military mission in Mali carries enormous risks. According to an article in the national daily newspaper De Volkskrant this is a mission ‘in the highest spectrum of violence, with commandos behind enemy lines and battle helicopters.' SP Member of Parliament Jasper van Dijk will pass definitive judgement when a final decision is made in two weeks time, but he is very critical about an ill-considered participation in any mission, purely on the basis of repairing ‘damage to our reputation’.

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