
Nieuws van de afdeling

26 September 2013

EP supports SP in fight against acquisition fraud

This morning the Internal Market Committee of the European Parliament voted unanimously to back the report by SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong, thereby signing up to the fight against acquisition fraud. ‘This week thousands more firms will have received a fake bill for as much as €960 for the registration of their patents,’ De Jong explains. ‘Thanks to initiatives such as the fraud hotline, a lot of people will know that the bill is fake. But often things go wrong. With this report we’re making a sound attempt at European level to put an end to these forms of deception, for example by setting up a hotline of this kind in every country.’

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25 September 2013

Price war may force EU to take measures

This morning the European Parliament considered the report from SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong on the retail trade in Europe.

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25 September 2013

After twenty years, still no peace

Twenty years after the signing of the Oslo Accords, the peace agreement between the Palestinians and Israel, there is still no peace. It’s time the EU put Israel under more pressure, says Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel (SP).

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20 September 2013

Class struggle in the Vatican

Ronald van RaakRonald van Raak •

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15 September 2013

We don’t need the Joint Strike Fighter

The PvdA (Labour Party), the junior partner in the Netherlands’ centre-right/centre-left governing coalition, is threatening to give its agreement to its partner’s proposal to go ahead with the purchase of the US-made warplane the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). Yet the Netherlands has absolutely no need for this highly expensive jet fighter-bomber. Agreement would, furthermore, represent an unthinkable turnaround from the PvdA, which for years fought side by side with the SP against the purchase of the JSF.

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12 September 2013

Can the EMU and social policy be reconciled?

Dennis de Jong - If you form a monetary union with other countries you give up your own currency and thus lose the possibility of national governments creating money independently in order to stimulate their economy. Similarly, you can no longer devalue in order to push up your exports.

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