
Nieuws van de afdeling

4 October 2013

European Parliament refuses to attack wastefulness

The Budget Committee of the European Parliament today rejected the SP’s proposal to reduce wastefulness within the European Union institutions. Expressing disappointment at the outcome, SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong said: ‘I didn’t of course expect that all of my proposals would survive, as the European Parliament isn’t famous for criticising its own spending. But it’s still disappointing that Euro-MPs aren’t prepared – and this happens time after time – to do anything about the high rate of “reimbursement” of expenses, which don’t, moreover, even have to be accounted for. On the prestige project “The House of Europe” and the unnecessary European Parliament TV channel, they still don’t have anything to say.’

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4 October 2013

Give European human rights better protection

'It is of the greatest importance that the Council of Europe remains the European benchmark for the development of the rule of law, the protection of human rights and the advancement of democracy in the organisation’s forty-seven member states. But if we want to maintain that position, we also have to deliver quality’’ said SP Senator Tiny Kox in Strasbourg, where the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is meeting this week. PACE will take a critical look at the Council of Europe’s own performance record as well as recent European Union initiatives in the area of human rights.

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2 October 2013

Gesthuizen: 'Let the child amnesty work properly’

Wednesday saw a demonstration against the deportation of 21-year old Wime, who comes from Angola. Wime has been in the Netherlands since he was ten years old, but does not fall within the rules laid down by the child amnesty, under which certain groups of people who entered the country as minors may be given residency rights, as it is six months too late for him to make an application. Wime is not the only person, moreover, for whom this is the case. ‘This young man was one of those children who arrived in the Netherlands just too late to be considered for the general amnesty in 2007, but who are just too old to qualify for the child amnesty,’ explains SP Member of Parliament Sharon Gesthuizen. ‘Yet these children have grown up in our country and feel that they are Dutch. Their country of origin is by now unknown to them; they simply aren’t rooted there and feel themselves to be at home here.’

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2 October 2013

Book of colonialism can only be closed after a proper investigation

With apologies and compensation payments, the Netherlands has taken a step in the right direction, but more is needed if we are to close the book on the painful colonial past, says SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel.

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2 October 2013

De Jong: OECD must not water down its policies on tax evasion

At a meeting of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, which brings together wealthy industrialised countries, SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong proposed the establishment of an inter-parliamentary group to keep up the pressure for application of the G20 initiatives to counter tax evasion. The proposal was accepted by the OECD, with the result that such a network will be established in the near future. ‘The OECD does all of the preparatory work for the G20 and is as things stand the place where the struggle against tax evasion is carried out on an international level,’ explains De Jong, adding that this means that ‘it’s important that national MPs as well MEPs are informed about the latest developments and also that they can act as a sounding board for the OECD itself. Otherwise there’s a danger that negotiations between the OECD member states will suffer serious delays. It’s our task, as well as that of the NGOs, to stay on top of matters here.’

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30 September 2013

Quiet diplomacy is no help

The Netherlands cannot remain silent over human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia, says the SP.
• By Harry van Bommel, Member of Parliament

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