
Nieuws van de afdeling

16 November 2013

SP proposal leads to aid for Philippines from Dutch shipping firms

SP Member of Parliament Jasper van Dijk and party colleague and former MP Remi Poppe have welcomed an announcement that the Royal Union of Dutch Shippers (KVNR) will be making money and freight capacity available for transport of aid goods and materials for the rebuilding of the typhoon-hit Philippines.

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16 November 2013

Palestinian President tells SP’s Senator Kox: Europe should be a player, not just a payer

'We want Europe not only in its generosity to help pay for the building of a Palestinian state, but also to take part seriously in decisions as to how we can put an end to the conflict with Israel and the Israeli occupation of our country. The Americans want to do this on their own, but as things stand nothing is happening to bring a solution closer.’ This was the clear message which SP Senator Tiny Kox, Council of Europe special rapporteur for Palestine, took from Palestine’s President Mahmoud Abbas at the end of his working visit.

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13 November 2013

De Jong: EU member states must make headway in recognition of homosexual civil partners

Today SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong received the first copy of a report on religion and homosexual rights in Europe produced by the NGO Human Rights Without Frontiers (HRWF). ‘This report demonstrates that religion can lead either to discrimination against lesbians, homosexuals, bi- and transsexuals (LHBTs) or to respect for these groups of people,’ says De Jong. ‘The European Union could be giving a good example by promoting respect. I want the member states to recognise that people of the same sex belong together if they have married or entered into a civil partnership in another member state.’

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13 November 2013

European growth strategy is damaging Dutch economy and society

The growth strategy presented today by the European Commission takes it further down the path of undermining social rights and the welfare state and is damaging to the European economy. No attempt is made to invest in the economy, in employment and innovation, according to Dennis de Jong who adds that ‘the worst of the crisis is not in the past as the Commission asserts. Unemployment is enormous, household debt and poverty are growing and self-employed people are taking blow after blow. The Commission is right to argue that the wealthier member states should now be doing more to stimulate domestic demand, but that means that governments must be given more space to invest and get rid of burdensome charges. This would restore consumer and business confidence. So this presentation is completely unbelievable.’

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12 November 2013

Senate urges government to reject renunciation of UN convention

'The Netherlands should not be among the first to renounce a UN convention, but rather among the last to do so.’ With this conclusion SP Senator Tuur Elzinga ended his statement calling on Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Lilianne Ploumen to reject the renunciation of the UN Convention on industrial development. Having listened to the Senate’s views, the minister did just that. The Netherlands will thus remain a member of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO).

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10 November 2013

SP Senator Kox: International cooperation must not be free of obligations

Cooperation of countries in North Africa and the Middle East with the Council of Europe must be aimed at strengthening the rule of law, protecting human rights and advancing democracy. Only countries willing to fulfil these obligations can become partners of Europe’s biggest treaty-based organisation, in which forty-seven European states participate. So said SP Senator Tiny Kox at a special conference in Lisbon with delegations from the parliaments of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Israel and Palestine. Kox, who is president of the European United Left Group in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, was one of the initiators of the conference.

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