
Nieuws van de afdeling

25 January 2005

Referendum on the EU Constitution confirmed: SP to throw its weight behind ‘No’ campaign

A consultative referendum over the introduction of a European constitution will definitely be held in the Netherlands, following a vote in the Senate which saw the SP, Green Left, Labour Party and liberals of centre-left (D66) and right (VVD) back the proposal. However, in contrast to all of these Establishment parties, the SP is planning to conduct an intensive campaign for a ‘No’ to this constitution.

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25 January 2005

SP members go to Brazil for World Social Forum

SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel and Executive Committee member Hans van Heijningen travelled today to Brazil to participate in the World Social Forum (WSF) which takes place from 26th January until 1st February in Porto Alegre. More than 100,000 “alternative globalisers” and progressive politicians will take part in the Forum, coming together to talk about the possibility of a world order based on social justice rather than the relentless hunt for profits.

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19 January 2005

SP to take part in “fight against nonsensical stories" about the proposed EU constitution

The SP’s European Parliamentary group has declared its enthusiastic support for the initiative of a number of MEPs, including EP president Joseph Borrel and German social democrat Jo Leinen, to form a “rapid reaction force” to respond to “nonsensical stories” concerning the European Constitution. The SP has written to Mr Leinen asking him if the party can participate.

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19 January 2005

SP wants foreign observers for constitution referendum

The SP has strongly criticised the unequal division of resources allocated to the “yes” and “no” campaigns in the coming referendum on the European constitution. SP Senator Ronald van Raak has no expectation of an honest campaign for the vote, which is set to take place this spring, and has demanded the presence of international observers. Tonight in the Eerste Kamer (First Chamber) as the Dutch Senate is known, he will ask minister De Graaf if he agrees that the possibility of such a presence should be looked into.

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12 January 2005

EU Council President Junker invited to visit Dutch ‘coffeeshops’ and ‘escort’ services

Today in the European Parliament in Strasbourg the main topic of discussion was the priorities of the newly-installed Luxembourg EU Presidency. Prominent on the agenda was the controversial Bolkestein Directive. SP Euro-MP Kartika Liotard invited President of the Council Mr Junker to take “a tour around Dutch service providers”, who, she assured him, would take full advantage of the directive – and her criticisms did not fall on stony ground.

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12 January 2005

SP votes against European constitution

Today in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Members voted on the proposed European constitution. The SP voted against the proposal. According to SP Euro-MP Erik Meijer, this constitution would lead to the further militarisation of Europe, the undermining of social- and environmental standards, and the dismantling of public services. He announced that the next few months in the Netherlands would see a campaign for the rejection of this constitution in the referendum scheduled for later in the year.

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