
Nieuws van de afdeling

12 January 2005

EU must study Tsunami danger

SP Euro-MP Erik Meijer has asked the European Commission to launch a study into the dangers posed by a possible Tsunami in the Atlantic Ocean: “A volcanic eruption on the Canary Island La Palma could provoke a mega-tsunami even more disastrous than that which struck Asia. Life in large parts of America and Europe could be swept away by such a cataclysmic event.” The Netherlands, much of which is only just above, or even actually below, sea level, would be particularly at risk, and Mr Meijer would like to know what plans, if any, the Commission has to deal with this eventuality.

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11 January 2005

Call for fair referendums on the EU Constitution

Letter to the Editor of The Times, by Thomas Rupp (director European No Campaign), Jan Marijnissen and Harry van Bommel (Dutch MPs for the Socialist Party) and people from 14 other countries

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11 January 2005

Eurosceptics unite across continent to fight constitution

OPPONENTS of the European constitution across the continent are joining forces to begin a pan-European No campaign, marking the occasion with a letter in The Times and other European newspapers.

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10 January 2005

SP overtakes right wing liberals to become Netherlands’ third biggest party

In 2004 the SP became, in membership terms, the third biggest party in the Netherlands. With 44.299 members, the Socialist Party outgrew the VVD, the more right wing of the two liberal parties, which has fewer than 42,000 card-carriers. Only the centre-right Christian Democrats the CDA, with 73.000, and the centre-left Labour Party (PvdA), with 61.000, have more members. This makes 2004 the fifteenth year in succession in which the SP has enlarged its ranks.

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30 December 2004

Prolongation of Dutch mission in Iraq out of the question

The SP sees no reason why Dutch troops should stay in Iraq longer than scheduled. In line with earlier statements from Minister of Defence Henk Kamp, the government should end the military presence in Al Muthanna by 15th March at the latest.

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29 December 2004

Disquiet over international network of secret prisons

The SP has asked the Dutch government for an explanation of what is behind reports in the international media regarding a network of secret prisons, allegedly used by the United States for the interrogation of suspected terrorists. Accusations of torture have also been made. Prisoners have been temporarily posted to countries where methods of interrogation are employed which are forbidden under both US and international law.

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