
Nieuws van de afdeling

9 August 2006

Council of Europe demands immediate release of Chairman of Palestinian Parliament

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has described Israel's arrest of the Chairman of the Palestinian Parliament, twenty other Palestinian MPs and eight members of the Palestinian government as “unacceptable”.

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29 July 2006

SP Youth at demonstration against inhuman asylum policy

On Saturday 29th July SP youth organisation ROOD (pronounced 'rote', it means, simply, 'RED') was well represented at a demonstration organised by Prime (Participating Refugees in Multicultural Europe) in solidarity with Ali Anoushei, an Iranian asylum seeker who has been on hunger strike for 47 days to protest against the decision that he should be deported.

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27 July 2006

SP: Burma not welcome at EU-Asia summit

SP Member of Parliament and foreign affairs spokesman Harry van Bommel has asked Foreign Minister Ben Bot for an explanation of why representatives of Burma (Myanmar) have been invited for the ASEM Summit meeting between Asian and EU leaders to be held on 10th September. “The Burmese junta has not been invited to international gatherings and must not be invited to this one," Mr Van Bommel said.

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26 July 2006

Foreign Minister must condemn breaches of humanitarian laws of warfare in Lebanon

SP Member of Parliament Krista van Velzen has asked Minster of Foreign Affairs Ben Bot to demand an explanation from the Israeli ambassador of breaches of the humanitarian laws of warfare in his country's conflict with Lebanon. In recent days populated areas of Lebanon have been attacked with cluster bombs, while Lebanese Red Cross ambulances have been fired on. Ms Van Velzen also wants to see Mr Bot make the case in the United Nations for measures to be taken against these breaches of humanitarian laws of warfare.

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23 July 2006

CIA sticks its nose into growing number of financial transactions

American intelligence services have been monitoring not only bank accounts but also other forms of financial transaction such as Western Union's 'Money Transfer'. SP Euro-MP Kartika Liotard today put a written question to the European Commission:“Now that the business regarding SWIFT has been brought out into the open, I would also like to know where else the CIA is sticking its nose.”

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22 July 2006

Israel-Lebanon: Stop the violence now!

Several thousand demonstrators gathered on the Beursplein, one of Amsterdam's major squares, today. They came to take part in the march which, under the slogan “Sound the Alarm”, was called to protest the Israeli attacks on the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples. The demonstration was an impressive show of force, calling for an end to the escalating war waged by Israel against Lebanon and Gaza. Speakers from a range of organisations demanded an immediate end to the violence and called for an unambiguous statement from the Dutch government regarding Israel's disproportionate actions.

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