
Nieuws van de afdeling

31 August 2006

SP presents election manifesto: “A better Netherlands... for the same cost”

This afternoon saw the presentation in The Hague by SP leader Jan Marijnissen of the SP's draft election manifesto, an event which received unprecedented media attention. Its title, which translates as “A better Netherlands for the same cost” addresses fears that the Socialists in government would prove to be a tax-and-spend party, coupling the promise of improvements with the certainty of higher taxes. It demonstrates how the Netherlands could in fact become a better, more attractive and above all more socially-minded country if after the elections of 22nd November the SP formed part of a progressive government – without incurring extra expense.

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29 August 2006

Foreign Minister must speak out over use of cluster bombs

SP Member of Parliament Krista van Velzen has described the Dutch government’s position regarding the use of cluster bombs by Israel as “disappointing and cowardly”. Foreign Minister Ben Bot refuses to take any standpoint in relation to the question of whether Israel’s possible use of cluster bombs transgresses international law governing warfare. “Dutch politicians from left to right agree that Bot must bring pressure to bear on Israel as much as on Hezbollah to consider civilians,” Ms Van Velzen said. “In doing so he cannot keep quiet over the use of cluster bombs by Israel, because that is as much of a crime as the indiscriminately targeted firing of Katusha rockets.”

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29 August 2006

Dutch web pirates hijack European domain names

Since SP Euro-MP Erik Meijer put a number of questions to the European Commission drawing its attention to the hijacking of .eu domain names, organisations and companies have continued to fall victim to web pirates. The European umbrella body for research libraries, CERL, has had to pay one such band, calling itself Traffic Web Holding plc, for the right to use its own name. Reason enough for Erik Meijer to make one more attempt to sound the alert.

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16 August 2006

SP and Labour agree: Asbestos ship the Otapan must return to dock and stay there

SP Member of Parliament Krista van Velzen and her Labour Party (PvdA) colleague Guus Krähe are demanding that Secretary of State for the Environment Pieter Van Geel ensure that the asbestos—contaminated ship the Otapan remain in dock. Doubts have been raised by experts over the accuracy of the amount of asbestos declared in the ship's consignment note, the probability being that the ship contains ten tonnes of asbestos rather than one tonne, as stated.

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16 August 2006

Krista van Velzen takes part in action against transit of weapons through Netherlands to Israel

SP Member of Parliament Krista van Velzen today participated in a protest action against the use of Schiphol airport, Amsterdam as a transit point in the transport of weapons to Israel. Together with activists from the Campaign against the Weapons Trade, other left parties including the Green Left and International Socialists, as well as Palestine solidarity groups and peace movement organisations, she was at the airport to protest against the policy of Dutch government and Schiphol management to allow this trade in weapons to continue without hindrance or control. According to Ms Van Velzen, far from encouraging the sale of weapons to Israel, the Netherlands should impose an immediate arms embargo.

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9 August 2006

Van Bommel: No EU funds for flower ads

Harry van Bommel, SP Member of Parliament and spokesman on European Union affairs, is calling for an end to misuse of European subsidies for matters of purely national interest.

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