
Nieuws van de afdeling

5 October 2006

Kartika Liotard opens EARA conference on asbestos removal

SP Euro-MP Kartika Liotard was in Amsterdam today to give the opening address to the conference of the European Asbestos Removal Association (EARA). “An asbestos-free world can only be achieved if all partners work together: politicians, governments and asbestos removal experts," she said. “Time to roll up our sleeves and get to work!”

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4 October 2006

Van Bommel: Wim Kok unsuitable choice for EU ‘Council of the Wise’

SP Member of Parliament and European Affairs spokesman Harry van Bommel has described former PvdA (Labour) prime minister Wim Kok as an unsuitable choice for the so-called “Council of the Wise”, an ad hoc body brought together at European level to consider the future of the EU and the European Constitution. “Kok is the symbol of the old Europe, an EU to which the Dutch people have given a resounding ‘NO’,” Van Bommel said.

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4 October 2006

SWIFT hearing clear on one point: lack of clarity is good for the CIA

The hearing organised today by the European Parliament on the international bank transfer system SWIFT and CIA spying on European financial transactions made one thing absolutely clear: that when it comes to the rules governing such transactions, nothing is clear at all. Data transfer to the US authorities by SWIFT appears to evade any real regulation. As SP Euro-MP Kartika Liotard says, “The question remains ‘who will guard the guards?’. You can expect in this manner that the CIA will have no compunction in involving itself in lots of other European affairs.”

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27 September 2006

Europe too small for monster trucks

Mega-trucks 25 metres (almost 28 yards) long and weighing 60 tonnes are simply too big for Europe’s infrastructure, says SP Euro-MP Erik Meijer. “This sort of monster truck might be all very well in Australia, but I can’t see them being safe on Dutch roads.” Meijer today lodged a written question over the issue with the European Commission.

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26 September 2006

Buying European Parliament building ‘bad idea’

Today the European Parliament voted in favour of the purchase of the European Parliament buildings in Strasbourg. SP Euro-MPs Erik Meijer and Kartika Liotard opposed the proposal, explaining that “We have no problem with the calculation that purchase will in the long term prove more advantageous than a rental agreement. If that was all that was at issue, we’d vote in favour. Much more important, however, is that fact that this will contribute to perpetuating the use of Strasbourg for monthly plenary meetings, a circus which costs 200 million euros a year or more.”

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25 September 2006

SP opposes return of Otapan without a clear plan

SP Member of Parliament Krista van Velzen is insisting that a sound plan for decontamination must be agreed before the poison ship Otapan is allowed into a Dutch port. Following the lead of the party’s group on Amsterdam’s city council, SP councillors in Vlissingen (Flushing) and Rotterdam have called on local decision-makers to deny access to the ship until such a plan is in place.

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