
Nieuws van de afdeling

12 November 2006

Poll: No to European Constitution must mean no – even after the election

If the voters were to vote again on the European Constitution, the number voting no would be even greater than was the case on 1st June 2005. A survey conducted for the SP by leading pollsters Maurice de Hond showed that fully 64% of the voters would now opt for a no, while a majority of 51% state that the no should remain a no whatever the outcome of the elections scheduled for 22nd November. This opinion is in contrast to the declaration by Christian Democrat Foreign Minister Ben Bot that he will work on a new European treaty in the coming year. Mr Bot is, it's true, anxious to avoid calling this new treaty a 'constitution', but wants to see much of what the rejected constitution contained restored.

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10 November 2006

At last – compensation for all asbestos victims

Christian Democrat Environment Secretary Pieter Van Geel announced today that 'non-work-related' victims of asbestos would henceforth be entitled to the same advances against eventual compensation payments as have for some time been available to occupational victims. The announcement means that demands contained in a motion put forward by SP Member of Parliament Krista van Velzen will be met, despite the resolution's rejection at the time of its proposal. Reacting to the news, Ms Van Velzen expressed the hope that Mr Van Geel would now bring the Eternit company, which is responsible for most of these victims, to book.

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10 November 2006

Afghanistan: SP questions government on NATO's use of cluster bombs

SP defence spokeswoman Krista van Velzen has asked the Ministers of Defence and Foreign Affairs for en explanation of reports that NATO has employed cluster bombs in the South Afghanistan province of Kandahar. The reports suggest that a woman civilian died as a result. Last month Secretary of State for Defence Cees van der Knaap gave his assurance that Dutch troops in Afghanistan had no stocks of such weapons. Dutch grounds troops are deployed in the province of Uruzgan, but the air force may be engaged in any area of the country.

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4 November 2006

Thousands demonstrate for a humane asylum policy

'Het Plein', the broad square next to the national parliament in The Hague, today provided the stage for a big and colourful demonstration for a humane asylum policy, beginning with a general amnesty for asylum seekers who have already lived in the Netherlands for several years. A total of forty-four buses came from across the country to swell the number of people gathered in front of the 'Tweede Kamer' building, which houses the country's main legislative chamber. A crowd of at least five thousand heard contributions from well-known artists, media personalities and politicians as well as the refugees themselves.

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28 October 2006

Dutch ‘no’ to EU Constitution meant what it said – and still does

The Dutch population's 'No' to the European Constitution clearly didn't get through to the leaders of Europe's governments. The Netherlands must distance itself from Commission President Jose Barroso's blackmail.

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27 October 2006

SP: European action plan for inland water transport needed

The SP is a supporter of increased water transport as an alternative to ever more motorways, but a headlong increase in capacity is not what is needed. SP Euro-MP and United Left Group (GUE/NGL) transport spokesman Erik Meijer put the case at the European Parliament plenary session in Strasbourg for a European action plan which would take full account of environmental and safety considerations.

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