
Nieuws van de afdeling

28 June 2006

Netherlands should participate in EU Congo mission

SP Members of Parliament today voted in favour of sending fifty Dutch soldiers to participate in a European military force aimed at guaranteeing the security of the forthcoming elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The soldiers will remain in the DRC and neighbouring Gabon until November. Party foreign affairs spokesman and Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel said: “It is good that we are lending support to honest politicians who want to rebuild their country.”

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27 June 2006

National authorities should also investigate illegal CIA flights

National parliaments and governmental authorities must look into the question of national involvement in the CIA's world-wide transport network. The United States' overseas secret service has, it has been revealed in the recent report by the Council of Europe, long used this network to seize and imprison people illegally who are suspected of involvement in terrorist activities. The report from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) concluded that at least fourteen countries were involved in such seizures, by means of which people were taken without trial and transported across the globe, often to places notorious for their lack of respect for human rights, including Guantanamo.

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21 June 2006

EU trade: Economic Affairs Secretary promises support for alternatives to Economic Partnership Agreements

Christian Democrat (CDA) Secretary of State for Economic Affairs Karien Van Gennip has given an undertaking to the SP that, in discussion with her European Union colleages regarding so-called Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), every possible alternative will be considered. She further assured SP Member of Parliament and Economic Affairs spokesman Ewout Irrgang that she would give her support to these alternative trade agreements and take a flexible approach to trade qith developing countries.

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15 June 2006

Fight fraud by abolishing export subsidies

“The abolition of the sources of finance most vulnerable to fraud, such as export subsidies in agriculture, is a much-needed measure for the prevention of large-scale fraud, by which Europe is still afflicted. In addition, member states which do not cooperate in the struggle against fraud should be deprived of their subsidies.” SP Euro-MP Kartika Liotard, a member of the European Parliament's Agriculture Committee, drew these noteworthy conclusions during the debate on financial chicanery in Europe.

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14 June 2006

EU should leave criminal law to member states

The European Parliament yesterday held a debate on the subject of a pronouncement from the European Court of Justice (ECJ), a judgement which could lead to further EU interference in the member states' criminal law systems. SP Euro-MP Kartika Liotard is highly critical of these developments and of the failure of the Parliament to say anything about them.

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14 June 2006

Netherlands must take strong position against whale hunting lobby

The International Whaling Commission (IWC) meets tomorrow in in the Caribbean island of St. Kitts. The Netherlands must join Great Britain, Australia and Germany in strongly opposing countries attempting to undermine the ban on whaling. Instead, the Dutch government chooses to wrap itself in a fog of conciliatory words.

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