
Nieuws van de afdeling

22 March 2011

SP calls for cease-fire and negotiations in Libya

The SP is urging an immediate cease-fire in Libya in order that negotiations can begin and a political solution to the conflict be arrived at. The party has serious doubts about the necessity of the present bombing, as SP leader Emile Roemer explains: ‘The people of Benghazi have been saved and the American commander Admiral Mullen declared on Saturday that Libya’s anti-aircraft guns had been put out of service. Continuing with the bombing suggests that goals are in play other than an end to hostilities.’ Roemer is demanding that the government state its position on these matters as soon as possible.

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20 March 2011

De Jong: European Parliament must tighten up Code of Conduct

SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong is urging an immediate tightening up of the Code of Conduct following revelations of corruption amongst MEPs. ‘Euro-MPs who allow themselves to be bought by lobbyists should suffer immediate expulsion,’ says De Jong. ‘Just as importantly, we must institute regulations to prevent this sort of behaviour from occurring in the future. I intend to propose once more the tightening up of the code of conduct that I have put forward in the past.’

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18 March 2011

Parliament supports the SP: Fair price for farm produce

SP Member of Parliament Henk van Gerven has won the support of the Dutch Parliament in his bid to see tackled the growing problems inflicted on farmers by price manipulation and unstable food prices. Parliament this week voted in favour of a motion from Van Gerven urging the government to meet with farmers’ organisations in order to come up with a solution. In addition, Secretary of State for Agriculture Henk Bleker accepted a proposal from the SP that he try to put a stop to the practice of paying millions in subsidies to those who have no need of them.

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18 March 2011

UN resolution has desired effect

The SP has welcomed the passage of a resolution by the United Nations Security Council declaring a no-fly zone over Libya.

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18 March 2011

Libya: no more sitting by and looking on

Yesterday the United Nations Security Council voted to approve measures to protect Libyan civilians. I am completely happy with this. The world cannot continue to sit by and look on as Gaddafi ruthlessly hunts down and kills his own people. Such acts must have consequences. Firstly we must do all we can to bring about a ceasefire. If that doesn’t work, then military intervention cannot be ruled out.

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18 March 2011

Recognise the Kurdish genocide

Museum in Halabja

During the Second World War the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill described what Germany was doing in Europe as "a crime without a name." After the war this crime was given a name: genocide.

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