
Nieuws van de afdeling

15 March 2011

Attack on Kunduz police chief sign of things to come

The fatal attack on Abdul Rahman Saidkhaili, chief of police in the Afghan province of Kunduz, demonstrates how the region is becoming more and more a war zone. That is the conclusion of SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel, who has asked Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal to comment on the security situation in the northern province. Hundreds of Dutch soldiers will be arriving in Kunduz to provide training for the Afghan National Police. ‘The police chief was killed in the middle of the provincial capital,’ Van Bommel says. ‘I want the minister to tell us how in such circumstances our soldiers will be able to train police officers to perform civilian tasks.’

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11 March 2011

SP Senator Kox in Council of Europe: a helping hand for the Arab revolt

'Europe has an appallingly bad track record in the Arab world. For years our governments have, through their dubious diplomacy and their cynical support for dictatorial regimes, forced people there to pay the price for something our governments called “stability”. In reality this consisted of oppression, corruption and abuse of human rights. It is now time to offer something better than that.’ So said SP Senator Tiny Kox today in Paris, where the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe was debating his proposal for cooperation between the Council of Europe and the burgeoning democracies of North Africa and the Middle East.

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10 March 2011

De Jong: European plans for wages and pensions bad for the man and woman in the street

SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong is unimpressed by proposals from leaders of member state governments to give Brussels the power to meddle with retirement ages and wage agreements. The European Parliament will debate the issue this morning with the European Commission. ‘The leaders’ proposals which have been leaked to the media are all directed at demolishing the rights of ordinary men and women,’ says De Jong.

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9 March 2011

European Parliament amends its calendar and saves millions

The European Parliament today reduced the number of meetings it will hold in Strasbourg over the next 18 months, eliminating a session this coming autumn and a further session a year later. As SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong explains, this simple change to the Parliament’s calendar will save taxpayers money. ‘This adjustment the Parliament will save € 2,500,000,’ he says, ‘a good start in getting rid of the whole monthly circus of removal.’

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8 March 2011

European postal workers hand flowers out for International Women’s Day

Postal workers from throughout Europe today handed out roses to Euro-MPs in order to mark International Women’s Day. The gesture was an attempt to persuade them to sign a petition calling on the European Commission not to take action against countries unwilling to liberalise their postal sectors. Many postal workers, members of the public and elected politicians have expressed grave concerns over the consequences of liberalisation. This morning close to thirty additional MEPs signed, bringing into sight the total of 369 – 50% + 1 – needed to validate the petition.

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7 March 2011

Van Bommel: ‘Arms deal is no private matter’

SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel describes himself as ‘unpleasantly surprised’ by reports in national daily newspaper De Volkskrant to the effect that potential Omani orders for military frigates have formed part of the subject matter of a visit to Oman by the Queen and other members of the Dutch royal family. According to Van Bommel, the Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, has a great deal of explaining to do. “Parliament has already let it be known that we do not approve these sales. The visit went ahead in any case, as a private dinner, which I found unwise. Unless they’re talking about cap guns for the grandchildren, an arms order isn’t a private matter at all.” Van Bommel intends to use Prime Minister’s Question Time on Tuesday this week to ask Rutte for an explanation.

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