
Nieuws van de afdeling

27 March 2011

Tiny Kox: ‘The Netherlands must help the Palestinians’

SP Senator Tiny Kox is pleased that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will be visiting the Netherlands in June. President Abbas announced his visit at a meeting in Ramallah at the end of Senator Kox’s working visit to Palestine last week. Kox was there to look into the possibilities for closer cooperation following the Palestine National Council’s request to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, in which forty-seven European countries are represented. Abbas said that the Palestinian request would be honoured, noting that ‘European support is now more than ever important to us.’

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24 March 2011

‘Referendum needed on European economic governance’

The SP refused to offer its support to the package of measures giving more powers to Brussels over the economic policies of the EU’s member states. The party is urging a referendum on the treaty amendments which form part of these measures. SP Member of Parliament Ewout Irrgang explains: 'In the pact for the euro what’s proposed is wage moderation, the raising of the pensionable age, and restrictions on state spending. In addition, a system of fines will be instituted for countries which fail to improve their competitive position. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte wants, via Brussels, to set his government’s programme in concrete. The people must be given a voice in this.'

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24 March 2011

Parliament demands tightening up of arms exports policy

The SP can take part of the credit for the government’s decision to tighten up the rules concerning the export of weapons. Within eight weeks, proposals will be presented concerning the criteria for arms export and transit, and the provision of information to Parliament, the government promised today. The commitment was made during a parliamentary debate in which almost every party expressed strong criticisms of the current situation. SP Member of Parliament Jasper van Dijk sees this as an extremely promising step. ‘The government could do nothing else but admit that mistakes have been made in relation to the sale of armaments to countries such as Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Bahrain. In the SP’s view human rights must henceforward be given more importance than the commercial interests of the arms trade.’

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24 March 2011

De Jong: European Parliament seeking to avoid referenda

Tens of thousands of trade unionists demonstrated today in Brussels against the harsh austerity policies imposed on the member states by the EU and the European Commission’s plans to meddle in national incomes and pensions policies. ‘Yesterday the European Parliament decided that referenda on these drastic economic plans must be avoided,’ says SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong. ‘The people should, in the EU’s view, have no say over their own future. The SP, on the other hand, wants to see these plans put to the voters in a referendum.’

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23 March 2011

SP votes against Dutch contribution to intervention in Libya

Harry van BommelThe SP has reacted negatively to the Dutch government’s declared intention to contribute to the military operation in Libya. 'We voted for the declaration and enforcement of a no-fly zone, but as we understand that this was achieved after a single day, we are asking why the bombing continued and what was bombed during the ensuing days. Also, what’s lacking is a common vision of Libya’s future. Because the government and the international community have left these questions unanswered, there should be no question of a Dutch contribution,’ says SP Member of Parliament and foreign affairs spokesman,’ Harry van Bommel. ‘We support the call, also expressed by the rebels, for an immediate cease-fire.’

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23 March 2011

Interview with Harry van Bommel about the Palestine-Israel peace process

As part of a project based on An Alternative European Plan, International Dialogues Foundation (IDF), an independent non-governmental, non-political organisation that strives to enhance the dialogue for the promotion of just international relations, is approaching some experts on the field of Israel and Palestine conflict as well as politicians with a major role in the discussions to create an essential background of key leaders’ opinions.

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