
Nieuws van de afdeling

15 October 2008

SP development spokesman addresses British Parliament

SP Member of Parliament and development spokesman Ewout Irrgang today addressed the British Parliament on the subject of the free trade agreements between the European Union and former European colonies in Africa., the Caribbean and the Pacific – known as the ACP countries - the so-called Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs).

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14 October 2008

The SP in Europe

Current European issues and the SP's approach – Important items on next week's European Parliament Plenary Agenda

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11 October 2008

Combating discrimination against homosexuals

Kathalijne Buitenweg, Member of the European Parliament for the Green Left, a small, pro-EU Dutch parliamentary party, set out recently in the Dutch press her arguments against discrimination on the grounds of race, gender or sexuality. In doing so she deliberately distorted the SP's views. Her colleague Kartika Liotard of the SP reacts.

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10 October 2008

Cloned meat? No thanks, say almost six in ten Europeans

Most people do not want to eat meat from cloned animals, according to a European Commission survey. Just over 40% say that cloning should be allowed if it makes animals less susceptible to disease, but a majority of 58% disagree.

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10 October 2008

Neglected railways need more inventiveness and less market

This article was published in the European Voice, 9 October 2008

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9 October 2008

Public version of Lisbon Treaty missing a page

On Thursday, Secretary of State for European Affairs Frans Timmermans presented the public version of the Lisbon Treaty to Parliament. The SP has long urged the publication of a version of the Treaty understandable to all. According to SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel, there is however at least one page missing. "In the whole booklet of 32 pages there is not a single word about the fact that the Irish people said no to the Lisbon Treaty, which means that it cannot come into effect."

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