
Nieuws van de afdeling

22 October 2008

More than a chunk of meat

The Intergroup for Animal Welfare, which met today in Strasbourg, is a cross-party body of MEPs with a particular interest in the relevant issues, and although not an official parliamentary committee, in common with other "intergroups" it is not without influence. A number of leading animal welfare organisations participate.

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22 October 2008

The body peeper

It sounds like something used in an annual check-up, but the bodyscan is actually a security device. Already being given a trial run at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport, the bodyscan produces a kind of X-ray enabling a security guard to look right through your clothing to see whether you are carrying a gun next to your skin, or a knife down your underpants. No longer can any nook or cranny of your body escape Big Brother's investigating eye. Only after the debate did MEPs receive the information necessary to decide whether this was acceptable.

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21 October 2008

Stop import of crops grown on stolen land

The Netherlands must stop buying products grown on stolen land. So say SP Members of Parliament Krista van Velzen and Paulus Jansen, following their meeting with a delegation from the indigenous Guarani-Kaiowa community from the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso.

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21 October 2008


Jan de WitOn the return journey from the US to the Netherlands last week, I had the 'honour' to be subjected to a thorough search by the American customs. In addition to the famous body scan, my shoes were investigated with a special apparatus and the contents of my rucksack were examined.

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17 October 2008

The SP in Europe

Current European issues and the SP's approach – Important items on next week's European Parliament Plenary Agenda

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16 October 2008

More EU regulation is not the way to combat discrimination

Last week an opinion piece by Kathalijne Buitenweg, Member of the European Parliament for the small pro-EU Dutch parliamentary party Green Left, appeared in a number of regional newspapers. Buitenweg's article dealt with the imminent European Union directive on combating discrimination on the grounds of belief, age, disability or sexual orientation. In it she expressed her concerns over the fact that in the national parliament this directive is meeting resistance and that some of this resistance is coming from the SP. The nuances of this 'resistance', however, escaped her, as the SP's only problem with the proposal concerns 'subsidiarity' rather than its actual content. In plain words, the SP does not see this as an appropriate measure for the European Union to take, and believes that it must remain the responsibility of member states, every one of which has already signed the European Declaration of Human Rights, and of our own national authorities, in a country which already outlaws all of these forms of discrimination.

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