
Nieuws van de afdeling

31 July 2012

Van Bommel: 'Immigration minister’s asylum policy is totally unsuited to purpose’

The Council of State today ruled that Immigration and Asylum Minister Gerd Leers has taken insufficient account of the dangers that westernised Somalis run in their country of origin. The judgement follows an earlier ruling that Somalis cannot be subject to deportation, as the murderous group known as Al Shabaab continues to control large swathes of the country. ‘The minister is of the opinion that Somalis would be best returning to their country voluntarily,’ says SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel. ‘He will grant them emergency relief only if they agree to do this. This of course leads to their going back “voluntarily”, but with a knife at their throats.’

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30 July 2012

Then and Now: Accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the EU

Romania and Bulgaria should never in fact have been admitted to the European Union five years ago. The European Commission did not consider that democracy in either land was sufficiently strongly established and there was ‘a lack of sustainability and irreversibility in the process of change’ in the two former Eastern bloc states.

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26 July 2012

Then and now: Asbestos removal

Over the last few days a residential neighbourhood of Utrecht has had to be evacuated following the discovery of a particularly dangerous form of asbestos in houses there. Despite the continued presence of potentially dangerous asbestos in buildings in the Netherlands having been raised on a number of occasions by SP Members of Parliament, the government has consistently refused to take appropriate action, as the account below demonstrates.

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25 July 2012

Defection of Afghan police officers: Van Bommel wants an explanation

SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel is demanding an explanation from the Foreign Minister regarding the defection to the Taliban of an Afghan Police Commandant and his unit. Van Bommel does not believe that the same action on the part of Dutch-trained police officers can be ruled out.

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25 July 2012

Time for a coalition against Brussels’ inflated salaries

It’s been going on for years, but yesterday’s programme on Flemish television, ‘Terzake’, brought it all into sharp focus. Salaries in the European Union institutions are way too high. Every year I put amendments to the budget, trying to put an end to these inflated salaries and exaggerated expenses in the European Parliament and other EU bodies. Time after time these proposals are rejected. But in these times of crisis, when everyone is being forced to cut spending, people simply will no longer accept it if the Eurocrats continue to feather their own nests. Time for a broad coalition capable, when we vote on the budget for 2013 this autumn, of getting down to brass tacks.

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19 July 2012

SP Senator Kox: Pessimism growing rapidly in Palestine

'It’s extremely sad to see how little the rest of the world is doing to give the Palestinians what they have long been promised: their own independent state next to Israel. After forty-five years of illegal Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, more and more Palestinians see their future in an extremely gloomy light. And that’s going to lead to new unrest in the powder keg that is the Middle East.’ This was SP Senator Tiny Kox’s conclusion at the end of his working visit to Palestine as the special rapporteur for the Council of Europe.

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