
Nieuws van de afdeling

22 June 2012

Van Bommel: Stop sabotage of European Citizens’ Initiative

One of the few democratic improvements contained in the Lisbon Treaty, the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI), is threatened by severe limitation in its implementation, fears SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel. The ECI enables anyone who can gather sufficient signatures to request the European Commission to come forward with a legislative initiative addressing their concerns. The Commission may not, however, be ensuring the availability of sufficient capacity to help citizens, meaning that certain initiatives would be unjustly rejected. 'Many people already feel themselves to be unrepresented in the European Union,’ Van Bommel warns. ‘The Commission should not be frustrating the only possibility for citizens of the member states to influence European policy. The Netherlands must tell the Commission this in no uncertain terms.’

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21 June 2012

Satisfaction over Libya intervention is misplaced

The government is inappropriately optimistic; the Gadaffi clan has been driven out, but NATO left behind a country in chaos.

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20 June 2012

A European Superstate

It is assumed on all sides that ‘Europe’ will, for the first time in history, be a major theme in the election campaign for the Dutch national Parliament. That’s a good thing, not only because of the pressing urgency created by the ongoing crisis, but also because nothing less than our democracy and our economy are at stake.

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20 June 2012

Kox: 'Don’t play games with human rights’

Accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) must not be postponed further, say both the European Parliament and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). Today the two assemblies issued a joint statement in Paris calling on all European governments to speed up the process of arriving at a single system for protection of human rights in Europe. SP-senator Tiny Kox: 'We have been waiting three years for the agreed accession of the EU. If we have to wait so long to get something we all agree on, how will we deal with Europe’s other problems?’

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20 June 2012

Van Bommel plays football to protest Israeli administrative detention

SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel has taken part in a protest film in which he demonstrates his dissatisfaction with the widespread and illegal Israeli practice of aadministrative detention. Van Bommel: ‘This protest film puts the spotlight on the completely unacceptable Israeli practice of holding Palestinians in administrative detention without any kind of trial.’

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