
Nieuws van de afdeling

29 August 2012

EU must denounce Israeli soldiers’ misconduct

Palestinian children are being regularly mistreated by Israeli soldiers, according to “Breaking the Silence”, an Israeli veterans’ organisation which this week published a report on the matter. ‘This is shocking,’ says SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong. ‘Even if these are individual cases, this must be raised with Israel by Catherine Ashton, the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs. It is now at the very least not the moment to offer Israel additional trade privileges, as the European Union would like to.’

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26 August 2012

Stop throwing money at farm millionaires

In times of crisis in particular it is good to know where our tax euros are being spent. Whatever else, they shouldn’t be going to farm millionaires.

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20 August 2012

Van Bommel: Netherlands must take a stand against targeted killings

SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel wants to see the Netherlands take a clear stand against the United States’ policy of targeted killings. Van Bommel: ‘The increase in targeted attacks on alleged terrorists without any form of due process and outside of recognised areas of armed conflict is an extremely worrying development. The Netherlands’ radio silence over this is equally of concern. It’s high time that our contry took a clear stand against this repugnant and counter-productive policy.’

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19 August 2012

SP leader calls for ‘social alliance’ as election campaign kicks off

In a warm and welcoming Open Air Museum in Arnhem, SP leader Emile Roemer today kicked off the party’s campaign for the general election on September 12. Roemer called on the 2,500 SP members in attendance to work towards a social alliance between like-minded political parties, workers, employers and social organisations. ‘Everyone who can underwrite our goals of less poverty and narrower social differences, more caring for each other and more confidence in one another, I challenge to work hand in hand with us and then, after September 12th, to build on this.’

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3 August 2012

Ten questions for SP leader Emile Roemer

Emile Roemer SP

Increasing numbers of people are deciding to vote for the SP at the general elections on 12th September, liking the sound of our plans for a social route out of the crisis. But of course they have also a great many questions. Here are my answers to ten of the most important of them.

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2 August 2012

Irrgang in debate on Eurocrisis: 'The current approach isn’t working’

SP Member of Parliament Ewout Irrgang, who will stand down at the coming election, participated today in a debate on the eurocrisis and expressed strong criticisms of the current approach to a crisis which is increasingly out of control. Irrgang, an economist, argued that the European austerity policies are not working, because the lowering of wages and social payments in almost all European countries is leading to shrinking economies. The Greek economy has experienced years of such negative growth, and has shrunk since the outbreak of the crisis by some 20%. This means that the level of debt as a proportion of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has increased, further reducing the chances of a full repayment of debts.

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