
Nieuws van de afdeling

12 December 2012

Parliament supports SP: Strengthen position of national parliaments in Europe

The Dutch national Parliament in The Hague today voted to support a proposal from SP Member Arnold Merkies to the effect that the position of itself and the other parliaments in the EU’s twenty-seven member states should be strengthened when it comes to European Union decision-making. At the European Council in the next few days far-reaching steps towards a European superstate will be discussed. These proposals do contain plans to strengthen the role of national parliaments, but not for what the Dutch Parliament is calling for.

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12 December 2012

De Jong: rejection of liberalisation plan for baggage handling an important victory

The European Parliament today rejected proposals from the European Commission for further liberalisation of baggage handling at airports. Commenting on the proposals’ defeat, SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong said: 'This is an important victory. With this the European Parliament has given a clear signal to the Commission that the outdated liberalisation agenda can no longer rely on the Parliament’s support.'

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12 December 2012

De Jong: EU budget increase sends wrong signal

SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong describes the European Parliament vote to endorse the budget increase for 2013 as sending completely the wrong signal. After months of negotiations the governments of the EU member states have reached an agreement on the budget for EU spending for 2013. ‘More spending without improved monitoring, that’s what this budget is all about,’ says De Jong. ‘It’s shameful that it hasn’t got through to the EU’s member state government leaders and the Members of the European Parliament that this is not the time for more spending, but to be economical.’

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11 December 2012

Senate urges return to 0.7% development aid

With only the centre-right governing party the VVD and the hard right PVV voting against, the Senate has backed a motion from the SP calling for a return to the international norm for development aid of 0.7% of GDP. Last week Prime Minister Mark Rutte counselled against the resolution, but clearly failed to persuade Senators.

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10 December 2012

Interior Minister is poor defender of our democracy

The European Commission wants to intervene extensively in the principles, organisation and finance of political parties in the Netherlands who want to take part in European elections. These controllers of Europe must from now on endorse ‘European values’. Everything and anything is permitted, as long as it’s federalist, as long as it’s neoliberal. Only if a majority in the European Parliament agree that you are European enough will you qualify for a subsidy. Otherwise, no.

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7 December 2012

SP not happy with new proposals on European political parties

On 6th December, International Anti-Corruption Day, SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong spoke at a meeting on European political parties organised by Transparency International (TI). The international anti-corruption NGO showed itself to be extremely critical of the European Commission’s proposals on political parties which they argue leave a great deal of space for bribery and careless spending. ‘I share completely Transparency International’s concerns,’ says De Jong. ‘In addition, these plans are a clear move towards a federal Europe, without this having popular support. The European parties which as a result of these proposals would acquire legal personality are artificial constructions. The proposals also open the door for EU interference in whichever national parties may participate in the European elections. This poses a great danger to the democratic tradition.’

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