
Nieuws van de afdeling

27 November 2012

SP asks government: Don’t leave the Palestinians in the lurch

Tiny Kox'Let’s hope that the Dutch government doesn’t leave the Palestinians in the lurch this time and votes in favour of raising the status of the Palestinian Authority in the United Nations. Any other vote would be a disgrace for the Netherlands,’ says SP Senator Tiny Kox in the run-up to the approaching vote at the UN on the Palestinian request to be given, as a non-member state, official observer status.

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22 November 2012

Israel v. Palestine: how much longer?

Jan Marijnissen

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21 November 2012

European Commission: Stoiber Group is acid test for more transparency on Expert Groups

In a meeting yesterday with SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong and MEPs who share his concerns about the transparency of European Commission Expert Groups, Commission Vice-President Maros Sefcovic gave the go-ahead for further reform of the nine hundred or so groups. The meeting took place on the SP’s initiative and in the wake of pressure from the European Parliament, which earlier this year blocked the groups’ funding. ‘We have already agreed around fifty Expert Groups whose composition continued to appear unbalanced would all be subject to investigation,’ says De Jong. ‘In addition, we are working on a Code of Conduct to put an end to the secrecy attached to participants in the groups. I am further encouraged by the Vice-President’s promise that the reform of the much-talked about Stoiber Group would represent an acid test for the European Commission’s new ways of working.´

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20 November 2012

Cease-fire fatally undermined by Israeli liquidation policy

With the attack on Hamas commandant Ahmed Jabari, Israel last week resumed a policy of liquidation in the Gaza Strip. It has now become clear that this extrajudicial execution killed off any chance of a lasting cease-fire.

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20 November 2012

Has new Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans also abandoned the Palestinians?

Uri Rosenthal may no longer be Foreign Minister, but his political spirit appears still to dominate the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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20 November 2012

De Jong: European social democrats must distance themselves from Dutch Labour Party’s right-wing policies

The European Parliament appears to be supporting the member state government leaders’ austerity policies. This emerged this morning during the debate on the Parliament’s proposals on combating the crisis. SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong directed his comments during the debate not only to fellow MEPs, but also to the Dutch government and its policies. ‘That the Dutch Labour Party is going along with these austerity policies is completely incomprehensible,’ he said. ‘I call on social democrats in the European Parliament to distance themselves from their Dutch colleagues and to support instead an intelligent and therefore a flexible application of the 3% norm. Only in this way can Europe’s economies be put back on their feet.’

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