
Nieuws van de afdeling

21 August 2014

Living together: against extremism

Dozens of social, religious and political organisations have joined hands to combat the rise of the ISIS terror campaign. The SP supports this initiative, which is detailed in the manifesto reproduced below.

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9 August 2014

Roemer: Help West Africa in the fight against Ebola outbreak

The Dutch government must offer immediate aid to the countries confronted by the Ebola outbreak, SP leader Emile Roemer said today. 'Yesterday the World Health Organisation issued an impressive call for international solidarity with the countries who have neither the resources nor the know-how to check and combat the outbreak. In my view the Netherlands must heed this call.’

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7 August 2014

Foreign Minister must clarify position on unacceptable Israeli violence in Gaza

The SP parliamentary group in The Hague is asking Foreign Minister Frans  Timmermans to inform Parliament just why he is of the opinion that Israel has used unacceptable violence in Gaza and what consequences this unacceptable conduct should entail.

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7 August 2014

Van Bommel: More aid urgently needed for Iraq victims

SP member of Parliament Harry van Bommel is urging the international community to make more efforts to help the victims of the violence committed by Jihadist fighters ISIS in Iraq.  ‘The latest information is that tens of thousands of Yezidis, members of one of the oldest religious communities in the Middle East, have been chased into the mountains and have nowhere left to turn. They are short of everything, even drinking water. This is completely unacceptable.’

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5 August 2014

SP Senator Tiny Kox urges Netherlands to aid Palestine’s legal case against Israel

The Palestinian government is to ask the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague to look into the question of whether Israel is guilty of war crimes in Gaza. Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Al Malki was in the Netherlands today for a meeting with the ICJ on the matter. He also spoke with his Dutch counterpart Frans Timmermans and a delegation of MPs and Senators.

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2 August 2014

SP leaders Roemer and Kox: Violence in Gaza must stop

The horrible explosion of violence in Gaza has shocked people throughout the world. In our country as much as elsewhere, there is widespread horror. It’s time that the government of the Netherlands put greater pressure on Israel to put an end to the completely disproportionate nature and extent of the military intervention in Gaza, write SP leader Emile Roemer and the party’s Senate chair Tiny Kox.

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