

13 July 2015

SP slams Greece agreement

The SP has expressed vehement criticism of the agreement which the EU is hoping to conclude with Greece. According to SP Member of Parliament and spokesman on EU affairs Harry van Bommel, this agreement has been signed by the Greeks with a knife held to their throats. It does nothing to solve the structural problems in the eurozone. In his first reaction, Van Bommel described the agreement as ‘anything but social’.

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12 July 2015

Brussels politicians as puppets of big business

As I write it is still not clear whether the member state government leaders will be able to reach an agreement on Greece. However that may be, what is clear is that the interests of big capital and financial institutions will be secured and that only when that is achieved might it be possible to discuss measures to help ordinary people. This fits into a well-known pattern: nepotism, which government leaders want to put an end to in Greece, is an everyday occurrence in Brussels. Now, new instruments provided by Transparency International and Politico.eu make it possible for anyone to see how things are set. They don’t provide a lot of laughs, but what they do offer are a number of clues by which you can unmask puppets of the multinationals such as Guy Verhofstadt, leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Group (ALDE/ADLE).

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8 July 2015

TTIP vote is an attack on democracy

Foto: Anne-Marie Mineur / Dark clouds over the European Parliament

The European Parliament today voted in favour of the Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) system, a system of arbitration which gives special rights to foreign investors. ISDS will form part of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), the trade treat between the European Union and the United States. Despite growing social disquiet and a fierce and spirited campaign by citizens of the member states and social organisations, the Parliament opted for the agenda favoured by European multinationals.

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5 July 2015

SP leader Emile Roemer: Creditors can’t ignore Greek ‘no’

Foto: SP

'The Greek people have made use of their democratic right en masse and voted ‘no’ to the troika’s harsh and counter-productive austerity policies.  The Greek economy, after five years of cuts, is in a worse state than it was. Greece needs investments in order to get the economy going again and find a social route out of the crisis.  The Greeks’  no vote is a clear signal that the European creditors can’t simply push to one side.’ So says SP leader Emile Roemer in reaction to the result of the Greek referendum, announced Sunday evening.

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5 July 2015

The Schulz Era in the European Parliament has truly had its day

I have on a number of occasions in my weeklog been critical of the European Parliament president, German social democrat Martin Schulz. Now, with his interference in the Greek referendum, I have to say enough is enough. Reportedly he even tried to reach agreement with the political establishment in the EP that from now all political groups on the left and right side would be subject to a complete boycott. For the most part, when politicians lose elections, they step down. As Schulz had made the Greek referendum his own, and one which he lost by a large margin, I would say to him: be a democrat and draw your conclusions. Rather Schulzexit than Grexit.

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28 June 2015


The SP repeatedly warned that the introduction of the euro would undermine democracy. The rejection of Greece's referendum by the eurozone Finance Ministers shows the extent of the arrogance of power amongst them. The report of the 'five presidents' of European institutions, presented this week, seeks to reinforce the power of technocrats. From now onwards there will therefore be every reason to step up our struggle for real democracy in Europe. The public must have its say; the technocrats have already done enough damage.

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21 June 2015

Does Verhofstadt really want to make a looser EU possible?

Last week the leader of the liberal ALDE European Parliament political group, Guy Verhofstadt, outlined his soon-to-be-presented report on the amendment of the EU treaties. As you might expect from a federalist, he wants to move to a real European government, but at the same time he does introduce the possibility of an associate membership for those countries which see no advantage to such a federal Europe. That would offer, to the Netherlands as well as other member states, the chance to opt out of certain matters, such as the United Kingdom already enjoys, for example in the area of justice, This fits nicely with the SP’s own programme, so it’s certainly worth studying.

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23 May 2015

SP Senator Kox: Care needed in Eastern Europe

Foto: SP

Now that tension is rapidly rising in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the international community will have to be careful not to repeat the mistake of attempting to impose solutions from outside of the country. It’s up to the citizens and government of Macedonia to put an end to the political chaos and prevent a violent escalation. On an initiative of the political group led by SP Senator Tiny Kox, the United European Left, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) this week met in Sarajevo to hold extensive talks about the serious political disruption afflicting Council of Europe member state Macedonia.

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