
Nieuws van de afdeling

4 December 2017

SP on the street to oppose permanent war

Foto: SP

SP members took to the streets in three cities at the weekend and on into Monday to speak out against the government's decision to prolong three military missions. Under the slogan 'Permanent war? Not in my name', flyers were distributed in The Hague, Leiden and Amsterdam.

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4 December 2017

The struggle against terror can't be won with bombs

Shortly after the horrific attacks of 11th September 2001 in New York, George W. Bush unleashed the War on Terror. Once and for all, terrorist organisations like Al Qa’ida had to be dealt with. The War on Terror began in October of the same year with the invasion of Afghanistan, where the Taliban regime was ousted, and there followed the attack on and invasion of Iraq, which put an end to Saddam Hussein's dictatorship. Years and years of occupation followed in both cases.

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30 November 2017

Kox: Jaw-jaw is always better than war-war

Issues of autonomy and independence must be settled by peaceful dialogue, not violent repression.

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29 November 2017

Human rights before multinationals

It's scandalous that human rights continue to be less valued than are the interests of major multinational corporations such as Shell. We all know that human rights are violated continually. In the Netherlands the lives of many people in the northern city and region of Groningen have been destroyed by the likes of Shell and other major corporations such as NAM. The Dutch government is refusing to reduce the level of gas extraction.

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29 November 2017

Permanent War? Not in my name!

Foto: SP

The War on Terror has failed. Yet despite everything, it continues, and with the support of the Netherlands. This must stop.

The War on Terror began in 2001 with the invasion of Afghanistan. There then followed Iraq (2003), Libya (2011), and Iraq once more, together with Syria (2014). Over the same period secret wars have been launched in a number of countries, including Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia.

Contrary to what was promised, these large-scale military attacks have not led to a reduction in terror. Attacks and threats have instead increased. More than a million people have died and millions more have been forced to flee their homes. Tensions between different population groups have intensified.

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28 November 2017

Stop deportations to Afghanistan now

Because of the extreme insecurity which prevails in the country, a stop must for the time being be put to deportations to Afghanistan of persons refused refugee status, according to SP Member of Parliament Jasper van Dijk. On Wednesday, Van Dijk accepted a petition from the 18-year old Afghan Haroon Rezaie.

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