
Nieuws van de afdeling

3 November 2005

Van Bommel demands enquiry into network of secret prisons

SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel is demanding an international enquiry into an alleged American network of secret prisons. His call follows persistent accusations that the CIA is covertly transferring persons suspected of terrorism to secret foreign prisons where they are tortured.

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2 November 2005

Influence of parliaments in Europe: from sop to teething-ring

The two houses of the Dutch national parliament, the Senate and the 'Tweede Kamer' (Second Chamber) - the rough equivalent of the British House of Commons, the Irish Dail or the US House of Representatives – could acquire more influence over European decision-making. Together with other parliaments from the EU's member states, they are seeking the right to make an annual declaration as to which policy areas should be reserved to national decision-making and which are suitable for European regulation. The sop to democracy which the member states' citizens were to be offered in the European constitution is to be replaced by a teething ring, says SP Senator Ronald van Raak.

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1 November 2005

Double success for van Velzen in national parliament

The lower house of the Dutch national parliament today supported a motion from SP Member Krista van Velzen calling for an enquiry into the effects of supermarket price wars on farmers' incomes. Earlier, Ms van Velzen asked Minister for Economic Affairs Laurens-Jan Brinkhorst and Agriculture Minister Cees Veerman to establish such an enquiry, but neither was prepared to accept her proposal. However, a clear parliamentary majority is now insisting that action be taken. This was not, moreover, the Socialist Party MP's only success of today's sitting: she also gained support for her demand that the Netherlands oppose what amounts to a licence for French producers of foie gras to mistreat animals.

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24 October 2005

Van Velzen demands permanent ban on imports of wild birds

The SP believes that a temporary ban on the importing of wild birds, brought in to counter the danger of bird flu, is insufficient. Member of Parliament Krista van Velzen will this week seek support from the parliament's lower house (the 'Tweede Kamer') for a proposal that agriculture minister Cees Veerman bring the issue of a permanent ban before the Council of Ministers in Brussels. “Imports increase the risk of diseases such as bird flu spreading and are disastrous for biodiversity. America, Australia and Canada have already introduced a permanent ban and Europe should follow their example.”

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20 October 2005

SP Euro-MP Erik Meijer protests at the WTO against further liberalisation

On the eve of the WTO Summit SP Euro-MP Erik Meijer and several of his colleagues from the European Parliament's United Left Group (GUE-NGL) visited the World Trade Organisation (WTO) headquarters in Geneva. It quickly became obvious that many of the discussions at the upcoming summit meeting of the WTO would take place behind closed doors. As Erik Meijer said, “The poorest countries and those who are making the most vociferous demands for their right to development will in particular be excluded.”.

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20 October 2005

European social model increasingly a myth

The SP's Euro-MPs are in London this week for a conference of the United Left Group (GUE/NGL), of which the party's delegation forms the Dutch section. The theme of the conference – or 'study days' as the twice-yearly event is known – was the future of the 'European social model', and researchers, journalists and trade unionists were there to give their views on the subject, which will also be the topic of an informal summit – hosted by Tony Blair in London this weekend – of the European Council, the body which brings together heads of EU member state governments. The different experts gathered at the GUE/NGL conference told a range of stories, but the tone of each of was clear: the whole idea of a European social model is in increasing danger of becoming a myth.

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