
Nieuws van de afdeling

1 April 2007

SP proposes law to ban cluster bombs

SP Member of Parliament Krista van Velzen will tomorrow, in the name of the SP, propose a new anti-cluster-bomb law. The law would ban the use, possession, transport and production of any form of cluster-bomb type munition. Cluster bombs are extremely controversial because they cause so many civilian casualties, including during the period after an armed conflict has ended. “In effect they're like land-mines,” explains Ms Van Velzen. “We've already banned those and it's time we banned cluster bombs too.”

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29 March 2007

No open borders while serious housing shortage persists

As long as no respectable housing is available for workers from central and eastern Europe, borders must not be subject to further opening. So said SP Member of Parliament and employment spokesman Paul Ulenbelt during today's parliamentary question time. Social Affairs Minister Piet Hein Donner, however, refused to consider making any connection between open borders and the abominable housing conditions which await the majority of such workers.

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28 March 2007

Eric can stay! Following mass campaign, 17-year-old will not be deported

The national action to support the right of 17-year-old Eric Fuanani to stay in the Netherlands, which won support from his school, his football club and campaigning group Defence for Children, has succeeded. Following a campaign which included advertisements in newspapers, letters to decision-makers, the launching of the website www.ericmoetblijven.nl ("Eric moet blijven" translates as "Eric must stay") and parliamentary questions from the SP's Jan de Wit, the news broke that Eric will not be sent back to Congo.

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27 March 2007

Dutch judge awards compensation for the first time to a mesothelioma victim exposed to asbestos dust from Eternit industrial waste

Born in 1961, Harrie Jansman was exposed to asbestos dust between 1967 and 1971. In this period he lived as a child on his father's farm, and in 1967 his father had paved their farmyard using industrial waste from the neighbouring Eternit asbestos cement factory. The Dutch Eternitfabriek, since 1937 a subsidiary of the Belgian multinational Eternit, from 1945 until around 1975 regularly gave away, free of charge to people living in the neighbourhood, who were often small farmers, large quantities of industrial waste containing asbestos. The recipients used the waste primarily for paving yards and lanes.

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26 March 2007

Open borders make increase of inhuman living conditions a certainty

“The number of foreign workers living under inhuman and life-threatening conditions will grow if the government abolishes the work permit system." That is the conclusion drawn by SP Member of Parliament Paul Ulenbelt following a tour of a number of neighbourhoods in Den Haag led by workers from the local authority's building and accommodation inspectorate.

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24 March 2007

SP Leader Addresses Norwegian Socialist Left

The recent success of the SP has not gone unnoticed abroad, writes Jan Marijnissen. Although I have a real aversion to conferences, I was happy to accept an invitation to speak at the Congress of the SV, the Socialist Left Party, in Norway. From Friday to Sunday I was in Oslo in order to attend their first Congress since their entry into the government whose other members are the social democrats and a centrist farmers' party.

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