
Nieuws van de afdeling

23 June 2007

Netherlands must keep “belief in the market” out of the treaty

The SP was pleasantly surprised by the efforts of French President Nicolas Sarkozy's to have 'free and unrestricted competition' removed from the list of EU goals contained in the new treaty.

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20 June 2007

New EU Treaty: Seeing is Believing

'It's pleasing to hear the government now enthousiastically stating that we have seen the back of the European Constitution, the road to a European superstate is closed and significantly more power will have to be given to national parliaments in relation to the European legislative process. It must be said that we had heard otherwise. But for us as the SP the watchword remains, "seeing is believing".' So said SP Senator Tiny Kox during Tuesday's debate on the imminent European Council summit in Brussels, where a possible new EU treaty to replace the Constitution rejected by the electorate in the Netherlands and France two years ago will be on the table.

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18 June 2007

Mistakes in Iraq were results of lack of clear mandate

The treatment of prisoners in Iraq was marred by serious errors which were primarily the result of an unclear mandate and inadequate preparation for the mission. That is the conclusion drawn by SP Member of Parliament Krista van Velzen after studying the findings of the official body charged with investigating the affair, the Van den Berg Commission. “I am relieved that it has turned out that no Dutch military personnel were involved in the torture of prisoners in Iraq, but I'm shocked by the abuses which were uncovered. It's good that this enquiry has been conducted and we must now draw the lessons from it.” For the SP, it has now been shown without doubt that Henk Kamp, at the time Defence Minister, was guilty of serious errors of judgement.

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17 June 2007

SP welcomes new neighbours in the east

Since Saturday the SP has found itself with new neighbours. In Berlin, in a celebratory atmosphere, the new party ‘Die Linke’ (The Left) was formally established. The existing 'Linkspartei-PDS', which garners the vast majority of its support in the eastern Lander, merged with the western Lander-based Voters' Alternative for Social Justice (WASG) to form the new grouping. The party had already established a joint parliamentary group in the Bundestag and according to opinion polls is Germany's third party after the Christian Democrats and Social Democrats, the parties which currently form the so-called grand coalition government.

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11 June 2007

Dutch “Invasion Plan” for Suriname: Van Bommel demands explanation

SP Member of Parliament and spokesman on foreign affairs Harry van Bommel has asked Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen for an explanation regarding an alleged plan for the Netherlands to invade Suriname with the aim of overthrowing the 1980s government of Desi Bouterse. The plan is discussed in a new biography of former US President Ronald Reagan.

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9 June 2007

Banks break promise on investing in cluster bombs

SP Member of Parliament Krista van Velzen feels "deceived" by the ABN Amro bank and ING Postbank over the question of investments in cluster mutnitions. From a number of sources, including a report published today by Dutch NGO Oxfam Novib, it turns out that the banks are continuing, despite promises to the contrary, to invest in firms which deal in the controversial weapons.

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