
Nieuws van de afdeling

12 December 2008

The SP in Europe

Current European issues and the SP's approach – Important items on next week's European Parliament Plenary Agenda – Working Time Directive

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12 December 2008

Expression of regret over Rawagede isn't enough

The Dutch ambassador has visited Rawagede to express his regrets over the massacre of innocent civilians in the Indonesian village by Dutch soldiers, an incident which occurred almost sixty years ago. According to Harry van Bommel and Adriaan de Winter, this is insufficient.

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11 December 2008

Environmental rules easy to evade

Fifty percent of waste transport is illegal, the waste dumped in poor African and Asian countries. Laws and regulations are evaded. This problem could be solved by making it compulsory to transform toxic waste substances into non-toxic waste.

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11 December 2008

Greenhouse gas emissions trading: SP supports more ambitious goals

Lower emissions of greenhouse gases - a reduction of 20% by 2020 – will be achieved by means of limits imposed on sectors such as mining and energy generation, and a range of industries. These sectors will be given emission rights, a fraction of which will be traded by auction. The European Commission has proposed making the application of this system subject to stricter rules than is currently the case. The SP wants to see a more ambitious goal: a 40% reduction.

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10 December 2008

No drinking water for 1,200,000,000 people

Today the world celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The most powerful, richest countries were celebrating, however, the fact that they have managed to prevent the right to water from being recognised. The SP took part in a demonstration in protest at this, held today outside the European Parliament in Brussels.

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9 December 2008

Van Bommel: Freedom of expression for Kurdish politician

SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel is urging Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen to sign the protest against the condemnation of the Turkish-Kurdish politician Leyla Zana. Zana was given a ten year prison sentence by a Turkish court as a result of statements she has made over the last ten years on the Kurdish question in Turkey.

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