
Nieuws van de afdeling

19 December 2008

Afghanistan: Premier sends Obama wrong message

SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel has asked Premier Jan-Peter Balkenende for an explanation of his statements during a recent television interview to the effect that he has received ‘calls’ from advisors to US President-elect Obama who are said to have asked him whether the Netherlands would be willing to prolong its military presence in Afghanistan beyond the currently agreed date of August 2010. Balkenende promised in response that the matter would be considered anew. “With this promise Balkenende has sent a message which is completely wrong,” says Van Bommel. “He is promising to reconsider the original resolve to withdraw before the end of 2010.”

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19 December 2008

Government’s answers on Iraq war: 100 times nothing

The SP is extremely disappointed by the government’s responses to its questions regarding Dutch involvement in the war against Iraq. “We have been forced to wait more than six months for these answers,” says SP Senator Arjan Vliegenthart. “That’s a very long time. This gave me high expectations, but what has arrived is worthless: to our hundred questions, a hundred times nothing. A parliamentary enquiry remains therefore an absolute necessity.”

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18 December 2008

Agriculture Minister told to push for EU ban on foie gras

On the initiative of the SP, Agriculture Minister Gerda Verburg has been instructed by Parliament to return to Brussels to negotiate a ban on the force-feeding of ducks and geese with other EU member states. Foie gras, produced from the livers of geese and ducks which have been force-fed to the point where these organs become morbidly fat, is regarded as a delicacy, but can be made only at the cost of serious maltreatment of the fowl.

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18 December 2008

Afghanistan: SP demands openness over dangers

SP Member of Parliament Harry van Bommel has demanded an explanation from the Minister of Foreign Affairs regarding the supplying of troops in Afghanistan. According to reports in the international press, supply lines are subject to daily attacks by the Taliban and other militias in pursuit of booty.

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17 December 2008

'Thank you bankers, thank you regulators'

Today parliament held a debate with the government on the latter's "autumn finance note". Central to the discussion was the question of the extent to which the government's budget must be readjusted. SP finance spokesman Ewout Irrgang's view is that cutbacks would in present circumstances be ill-advised. He argues instead for investment in the economy. But he aimed his fire also at "failing, grasping, and until recently exceptionally arrogant bankers.”.

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12 December 2008

‘No uncontrolled influx of workers from eastern Europe'

The Netherlands must be left to determine for itself the countries from which it is willing to accept migrant workers without a work permit. Employment Minister Piet Hein Donner must reach an agreement on this at EU level, says SP employment spokesman and Member of Parliament Paul Ulenbelt.

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