
Nieuws van de afdeling

15 October 2009

Consulate in Iraqi Kurdistan should be for ordinary citizens, not just business interests

Harry van Bommel is calling on Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen to ensure that the consulate in the town of Erbil, capital of the Kurdish region in Iraq, is able to offer a full range of services. The consulate was established some time ago, but its activities are restricted to the promotion of business interests. "In the interests of the many Dutch citizens involved there, we need a proper consulate," says Van Bommel.

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15 October 2009

Refugees' organisations deserve a voice in Brussels

To prevent the European Council on Refugees in Europe (ECRE) being deprived of funds, SP Member of the European Parliament has fired off an urgent letter to the European Commission. The Commission's decision to deny ECRE funds is described as 'incomprehensible' by De Jong, given that the umbrella group offers a voice to all of Europe's refugees' organisations. In the European Union the human rights of refugees are already under pressure, a situation which can only grow worse should ECRE's voice be silenced.

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13 October 2009

Van Bommel: Verhagen must take stronger action over threatened execution of Iranians

SP member of Parliament Harry van Bommel is urging Minister of Foreign Affairs Maxime Verhagen to take more drastic action against the threatened execution of three Iranians condemned to death for their part in this summer's demonstrations against the Tehran regime. Verhagen plans to join EU colleagues in putting pressure on the Iranian government to revise the sentence, but Van Bommel does not believe that this goes far enough.

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13 October 2009

At last, a list of possible products of child labour

Under pressure from the SP and the Christian Union, Secretary of State for Economic Affairs has promised to draw up a list of all products where there is a serious risk that child labour may have been used in their manufacture.

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13 October 2009

Is NATO ready for change?

by Harry van Bommel and Karel Koster

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13 October 2009

Uruzgan: soldiers' union signals need for serious debate

The soldiers' trade union AFMP is right to be critical over the question of the mission in the Afghan region of Uruzgan, argues Harry van Bommel. Defence Minister Eimert Van Middelkoop's anger over the union's position is misplaced. The AFMP's statement should form the overture to a debate which is urgently needed.

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