
Nieuws van de afdeling

20 October 2011

Proposal to boost competition misunderstands causes of eurocrisis

Deputy Prime Minister Maxime Verhagen was correct to state in a recent press article that European integration has made the European Union’s member states vulnerable to the consequences of each other’s economic decisions. He misuses this insight, however, to justify profound intervention in member states’ economic policies. Unfortunately this will also form the Dutch government’s approach at the coming European Summit.

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15 October 2011

Roemer: Occupy movement offers hope for start of fundamental change

The Occupy movement arrived today in the Netherlands. In Amsterdam the 99% succeeded in occupying the whole of the Beursplein – the square outside the stock exchange – with more than 1,400 people from throughout the country. The turn-out was so big that it quickly became evident that no trams would be able to pass through the neighbouring Damrak. Amongst those present was SP leader Emile Roemer: 'I’m really pleased that here, and throughout the world, so many people are standing up for the wholesale change which absolutely must occur. Those responsible for the crisis must be dealt with, the financial system transformed, and the bill charged to the right address, which isn’t that of these people here. I hope that this is the beginning of a fundamental change.'

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14 October 2011

There is a spectre haunting the world!

Jan Marijnissenby Jan Marijnissen, chairman of the SP

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14 October 2011

EU Agriculture plans ‘a missed opportunity’

'A missed opportunity’ – this was SP Member of Parliament Henk van Gerven’s initial reaction to the plans for the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the years 2014-2020 presented today by the European Commission. Whilst it’s true that there will be more possibilities to reward farmers for their management of the natural environment and a more varied and sustainable production, the Commission fails to act decisively, as Van Gerven notes. 'They fail to put an end to the mass import of soya from Latin America,’ he points out. ‘Neither speculation around food and raw materials, nor price instability is effectively combated. And a lot of money will be pumped back and forth in a bureaucratic fashion. First we pay it over to Brussels for the development of nature and landscape, and then we get it back in an equally bureaucratic manner.’

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13 October 2011

Parliament supports SP proposal to end subsidies for EU predation of Africa’s fish

'The right to food takes precedence over economic interests, and I’m pleased that Parliament agrees with the SP on this.’ So said SP Member of Parliament Henk van Gerven as his proposal to exclude subsidised European industrial fishing boats from African waters won a majority. ‘We must prevent the coastal waters of Guinea-Bissau from being emptied of fish by the theft of this primary foodstuff of coastal communities.’

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13 October 2011

Barroso's coup d’état

Emile Roemerby Emile Roemer

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