
Nieuws van de afdeling

21 January 2012

Kox: 'Russia must carry out substantial and sustainable reforms’

SP Senator Tiny Kox has been happy to note that in Moscow, from every side of the political spectrum, the need for political change is recognised. Kox warned the Russian authorities that changes must be ‘substantial and sustainable’ and not a mere ‘survival strategy’.

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17 January 2012

SP: 'Government is frittering away progress on waste policy’

Environment and Infrastructure Secretary Joop Atsma is putting the economic interests of waste incineration firms before the need for a clean and healthy environment. That was the conclusion drawn by SP Member of Parliament Paulus Jansen following Tuesday afternoon’s parliamentary question time, during which the Secretary of State showed his unwillingness to impose enhanced surveillance on the import of waste from Italy or to close incineration plants in the face of overcapacity. ‘This destructive environmental policy is typical of the line set by Atsma over the last year. Just as in other areas, when it comes to processing of waste we are descending to a worryingly low level.’

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16 January 2012

SP Senator Tiny Kox to lead Council of Europe post-election team in Russia

From Thursday 19th January to the following Sunday, SP Senator Tiny Kox will be in Moscow to look into what lessons might be drawn from events surrounding last month’s parliamentary elections. Kox, who led the election observers’ mission, will now head a post-electoral team acting on behalf of the Council of Europe. Following his visit, the SP Senator will present his report on the elections to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, which meets in Strasbourg.

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16 January 2012

Let’s tackle the crisis together

The Netherlands stands at a crossroads. Our economy is in a recession which threatens to descend into a crisis of enormous magnitude, a crisis which is costing jobs, putting wages under pressure and posing a threat to our pension provision, a crisis with huge social consequences, one which undermines solidarity and confidence in the future.

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11 January 2012

De Jong: Kroes has a chance to show she has a heart

SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong, in a letter to Dutch European Commissioner Neelie Kroes, has issued a personal appeal for her to protect social rights at the European level. Leaked draft documents from the Commission reveal that next week the Brussels executive will present a number of long-awaited proposals regarding the relationship between social rights and the internal market. ‘Last year a report from former Commissioner Mario Monti warned the Commission emphatically that unless social rights were improved support for the internal market would decline still further,’ De Jong recalls. ‘The Commission has clearly paid no attention to this warning.’

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11 January 2012

SP demands clarification on Greek defence purchases

SP Members of Parliament Ewout Irrgang and Harry Van Bommel, respectively spokesmen on financial and foreign affairs, have put a written question to the government regarding reports of extensive Greek arms purchases. Earlier this week German news magazine Die Zeit reported on the Greek Defence Ministry’s ambitious plans to shell out billions of euros on Leopard tanks, Eurofighter aeroplanes, submarines and frigates. According to the two MPs, if confirmed these plans represent a complete absurdity: a government that is receiving financial support from other members of the Eurozone and which is imposing extremes of austerity on the Greek people, should not be spending billions of euros of this aid on new military toys.

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