
Nieuws van de afdeling

18 February 2012

Europe is a high-speed train with no passengers aboard

The Left should be working for a democratic, not a neoliberal, Europe, says SP leader Emile Roemer.

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16 February 2012

De Jong: government policy on family reunification shameful for Christian Democrats

To have a family life, even if one’s partner lives in another country, is a human right. The European Union must defend this right in the face of the policies of Dutch Christian Democrat Immigration and Asylum Minister Gerd Leers’ policy on family reunification, said SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong during this morning’s debate on the issue in the European Parliament. ‘Leers is a Christian Democrat,’ said De Jong, ‘and they have always seen the family as the cornerstone of society. So it’s incomprehensible that he of all people should be responsible for despair amongst loved ones who want to live with each other in the Netherlands. In my view it’s completely un-Christian.’

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14 February 2012

European Parliament President blocks proposal to freeze Euro-MPs’ salaries

SP Euro-MP Dennis de Jong is angry that EP president Martin Schulz has rejected his proposal to freeze Euro-MPs’ salaries for 2013. As he says, ‘Schulz is not willing to bring the proposal to a vote. In my view this is a breach of my rights as a representative of the people.’ The EP president dropped De Jong’s proposal from the agenda on the grounds that it was in conflict with the statute for MEPs.

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13 February 2012

Jansen: ‘End statute of limitations for asbestos cases’

SP Member of Parliament Paulus Jansen wants to see an end put to the statute of limitations when it comes to cases involving asbestos. His call comes in the wake of a verdict from the Italian courts which today condemned two former executives of Eternit, which produces the carcinogenic material asbestos, to prison terms of sixteen years. According to the judge, the two were responsible for the deaths of 3000 employees or family members of employees of Eternity factories in Italy.

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13 February 2012

Van Bommel wants defence minister held accountable for withholding information on Kunduz

Well before the i’s were dotted and the t’s crossed on the current police training mission in the Afghan province of Kunduz, the Netherlands already knew that there would be far too few officers there to conduct the operation. This has become clear from a reliable document from the Dutch embassy in Kabul which Dutch national daily newspaper De Pers has managed to get hold of.

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12 February 2012

Tiny Kox in Russia: Day 5, Action not words

SP Senator Tiny Kox is in Russia once again to prepare for a Council of Europe observer mission, this time for the presidential elections scheduled for 4th March. He will report daily for the SP website.

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