
Nieuws van de afdeling

27 May 2021

Van Nispen: Our safety at risk due to Brussels fire department regulations

Foto: SP

The Dutch fire department is under great pressure. The fire department increasingly has to turn out with fewer people or with less equipment. European plans to limit volunteerism in the fire service are now also threatening a large exodus among volunteers. As far as the SP is concerned, we will not let that happen. 

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27 May 2021

No profit on pandemic: European Parliament adopts proposal to waiver intellectual property right on COVID-19 vaccines

Last week the European Parliament approved a resolution to tackle the AIDS epidemic which includes a Left demand for waiving intellectual property rights on COVID-19 vaccines. This makes production and distribution of these badly needed medicines cheaper and easier. 

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14 May 2021

Jasper van Dijk - More is needed for lasting peace than a denunciation of Israeli violence

Foto: SP

There is a structural cause that causes the violence in the region to flare up regularly. It is rooted in the occupation policy that Israel has been pursuing for decades.

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26 April 2021

Protest against persecution of HDP politicians in Turkey

Foto: SP

On Monday April 26th the ‘Kobani-trial’ started against 108 members of the HDP, a party representing approximately 10% of the electorate in Turkey. Amongst the politicians on trial are the former co-chairs of the HDP, Selahattin Demirtas and Figen Yuksekdag, who have been incarcerated for years by the Turkish authorities based on a false claim of being involved in terrorist actions. The Kobani-trial is a political trial in which HDP-politicians face absurdly high prison sentences, with the purpose to squash the Kurdish and leftist opposition. For that reason the trial receives harsh criticism throughout the world. 

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2 March 2021

Statement of solidarity with progressive journalism in India

In a statement the SP expresses its solidarity with the staff and readers of progressive Indian news site News Click, who’ve felt victim to increased intimidation by the far-right Indian Government. 

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11 February 2021

Success! Proposal adopted regarding the sharing of knowledge and rights of pharmaceutical companies for the production of coronavirus vaccines

Foto: SP

A proposal by the SP and D66 to increase pressure on pharmaceutical companies to share their knowledge and rights for the production of coronavirus vaccines has been adopted in parliament. With this, the government is instructed to put words into action considering the Netherlands’ support of the knowledge pool of the WHO.

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