
Nieuws van de afdeling

14 November 2014

SP Senator Kox: Isolating Russia would be dangerous

The Council of Europe is continuing to seek a means of restoring cooperation with the State Duma - the Russian Parliament - within Europe’s biggest and oldest treaty organisation, according to SP Senator Tiny Kox. Kox’s statement followed discussions this week in Moscow with the leadership of the State Duma and the Russian delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

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5 November 2014

'Honest firms and ordinary citizens are the victims of multinationals' tax evasion'

Because multinational corporations are having to pay less and less tax on their profits, ordinary citizens and small and medium-sized businesses must dig ever deeper.

This is confirmed by the Netherlands’ National Auditors following a comprehensive investigation into tax evasion by multinationals carried out on the initiative of the SP and the small parliamentary party the Green Left. According to the Auditors, when it comes to rates of tax on multinationals the Netherlands can even be compared to the notorious tax haven Luxembourg.

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5 November 2014

SP: Take the European Court of Auditors seriously – end the senseless back and forth of money

For the 20th time in succession the European Court of Auditors has responded negatively to the European Commission’s budgetary accounts. The Court of Auditors’ report is alarming. With the revelations of a large number of irregularities at the Commission it is becoming ever clearer that for some time not all of the money has gone where it was intended to go.

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4 November 2014

Time for an international approach to tax evasion

On an invitation from the British Parliament, MPs, researchers and business people from different countries came together in London to discuss how tax evasion should be tackled. This was badly needed, because decision-making on the approach to tax evasion is often immune to the influence of national parliaments, despite the fact that the consequences of tax evasion for society are enormous.

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31 October 2014

Harry van Bommel: EU must monitor rule of law in the member states

The US has issued stern criticisms of Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban as a result of the authoritarian tendencies he exhibits, restrictions on the free press, and the demonization of civil society. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland even accuses Hungary of “sleep(ing) under your Nato Article 5 blanket at night while pushing ‘illiberal democracy’ by day.” This American criticism is absolutely justified and should make the European Union think. The EU should go so far as to develop instruments to subject member states to tests regarding core values and where necessary to call them to account, argues Harry van Bommel.

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31 October 2014

Drowning people must be rescued, whether you’re Italy or the EU

On 1st November the Italian government will cease its large-scale commitment of its own navy to the rescue of refugees threatened by death as their ships founder in Italian waters. Eight European Union member states, including the Netherlands, will take over some of the tasks needed, but will have to do what they can with a third of the money previously available. The operation, moreover, will be performed under the aegis of Frontex, the service responsible for guarding the EU’s exterior frontier, and as such is not specifically directed at saving the lives of drowning people. Amnesty International is hugely concerned about the situation now arising. The SP shares these concerns. Italy must fulfil its international obligations and continue to perform active rescue operations. The member states and the European Commission must now step up the pressure on Italy and not wait for the next shipwreck with hundreds of victims. At the same time a structural solution must be sought, in cooperation with Italy, for the enormous numbers of migrants and refugees looking to enter the EU via Italy. Work must at last be started on the establishment of a European asylum centre.

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