
Nieuws van de afdeling

9 February 2007

De Wit: Europe must not interfere in Dutch criminal law

“The European Commission is trying to interfere in Dutch criminal law in a way which is completely unacceptable," says SP Member of Parliament and legal affairs spokesman Jan de Wit. Mr De Wit was reacting to the attempt by Brussels to determine the severity of punishment which member states must impose in the event of environmental crime. “The European Commission seems to believe that it is in a better position to come up with suitable punishments than are the member states. We in the Netherlands have what is entirely our own criminal code, one which also covers environmental crimes, and in our opinion the Commission should keep its nose out of this."

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7 February 2007

EU should advance with small but decisive steps – not via constitution

According to Andrew Duff, leader of the UK Liberal Democrats in the European Parliament, the Dutch debate about the future of the European Constitution is characterised by “old-fashioned Dutch nationalism and deep conservatism” (FT.com, 30 January 2007). It is clear from this that Mr Duff has little understanding of the situation in the Netherlands or why the Dutch electorate rejected the constitution.

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7 February 2007

‘More of the same’: SP leader gives his verdict on new coalition agreement

“The tenor of the new coalition agreement is better than it was for Mr Balkenende’s previous cabinets, but there’s no sign of any real change in policy.” This was SP leader Jan Marijnissen’s conclusion after reading the “regeerakkoord”, the detailed plans drawn up by the three parties which have now agreed to form a government together: the Christian Democrats (CDA), Labour (PvdA) and the much smaller Christian Union. “Some fine ambitions are expressed, for example regarding neighbourhoods with a range of problems. But when it comes to how these aims are to be achieved, the accord sticks for the most part to a familiar path. So we’re still going to have market-working in health care; as far as that’s concerned we’re seeing absolutely no change of direction. Premier Balkenende is shifting the emphasis in a number of places, but the broad line consists above all in maintaining the same course.”

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7 February 2007

Gijs de Vries should do the honourable thing

The European Union's Counter-Terrorism Coordinator should resign immediately from his post. The report on secret CIA flights in EU airspace, which will be voted on at next week's Strasbourg European Parliament Plenary, makes it clear that Gijs de Vries was not aware that secret transports of suspected terrorists were taking place. Kartika Liotard, the SP Euro-MP who sits on the European Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizen's Rights, said: "It appears to the SP that this makes it impossible for Mr de Vries to carry out the tasks required of him."

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6 February 2007

At long last last: ban on seal fur imports comes after unnecessary delay

SP Member of Parliament Krista van Velzen, recently named by animal welfare organisations in the Netherlands as "animal defender of the year", says that she is "delighted" by Agriculture Minister Cees Veerman's decision to ban the import of seal fur and other seal products. “Almost two years ago I proposed a motion asking for such a ban," Ms Van Velzen said. "Unfortunately both the VVD (right-wing Liberals) and PvdA (Labour) voted against, on purely technical grounds. This was politics with a small 'p' indeed, but as a result we've had to wait two years for a ban to be effected, which leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth.”

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31 January 2007

CIA bank account spying leaves many questions unanswered

Six months or so ago it became clear that American secret services were being allowed access to details stored in the SWIFT databank, where details are held of cross-border cash transactions. The European Parliament today returns to the issue, while at the same time SP Euro-MP Kartika Liotard is complaining that the question she put as long ago as last autumn "has yet to receive any kind of answer," adding that "the Commission and Council must use today's debate to make clear just what it is they have to hide."

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